Friday, November 12, 2004

Well. Let's talk abt today. Ok, I'm feeling high today, yet again.
After our Chem lesson in LT1, talking abt SINGAPORE IDOL with Mrs Lim... And she kept on saying "VOTE FOR OLINDA" half-way half-way. So stupid lor HAHAZ.

Anyways then ALRIGHT, I started getting ALL hyped-up again. It's like PRIOR to that already me and Gordon were like "OMG~~~ENCORE~~~~~" suddenly in the middle of our walk or whatsoever... SKY arh. OK. The only good thing having someone with the same interests around will be that - You can GO MAD together. And the CRAZYNESS simply doubles.

Anyways before the Chem lesson also, Grass was like waving to us enthu-ly... Then because I'm in a good mood, then I replied back: cheng1 cao4!!! (Imagine me shouting GREEN GRASS in dialect over...)

Oh ya, then before that, ALSO, our class was in a state of mess... Then Gordon was like shouting amongst the commotion "kia liao kia liao" (zou le zou le in dialect...) Then a teacher passed by and was utterly disgusted... HAHAHA!!!

Anyways then and again, I started the 全世界最可爱的小天使 thing...
We saw GRASS. And the 3 of us were like shoulder-to-shoulders... And I started blabbering...


HAHAHA!!! And INSTANTLY all 3 of us BURSTED into HORRENDOUS laugher...
Then Gordon can't think of one yet... So I was suggesting 小乖乖 etc. etc...
When Grass said she want to be one also - I simply gave her --- 青青河边草!!!

HAHAHA~~~So BLOODY stupid lor... Therefore all 3 of us were like in a STATE of utter CRAZYNESS as we walked up... HAHAHA!!!

Anyways, Gordon finally had his title also le: 乖巧小玲珑... HAHAHA!!! SO STUPID lor~~~

Well... S.H.E is simply the most STIMULATING DRUG to me. Therefore afterwards I started to DISGUST Yi Jie and EeLin and so on and so forth again... HAHAHA!!! Esp. the 甜心小可爱... I cannot tahan that MYSELF ok!? HAHAHA!!!!! But it's GREAT FUN!!! DISGUSTING people, HA!!!

Basically I love it when I'm crazy anyways. (:
Alright. Sometimes I DO wonder if I'm REALLY THAT MATURE when I can be really hopelessly CHILDISH at times... But... WHO CARES!?

Like S.H.E says... Just "痛快去爱 痛快去痛 痛快去悲伤 痛快去感动 生命给了什么 我就享受什么 每颗人间烟火 全都不要错过 痛快去感受!!!!!" I DO think that's how YOUTH should be like... GETTING CRAZY... Falling madly in love even, just for the FUN of it... Being YOUNG means to LOOK FORWARD to experiences... And etc. and etc... (:

Anyways... I feel so INSPIRED to study, TOTALLY!!!
Because in a video-clip, HEBE said something like:


ANYWAYS, I trust myself. MY OWN ABILITIES. And I must waste this wonderful capabilities that I have been given... YEPYEP. Just do everything tong4 kuai4-ly and ENJOY!!!

I think TONG4 KUAI4 is like the song for all YOUTHS you know. That sort of attitude... I REALLY like it and WOULD love to work towards it. (: Under the condition that you do not go against the law nor hurt others, just do what you want! And lead a really 淋漓尽致 life!!!!!

I MUST jia you~~~Life may be REALLY TOUGH and DOWN at times but that will not EVER stop me from enjoying every bit of it; And learning and getting stronger from every FALL and etc. and etc. YEP!!! So...

艳阳暴雨 不要客气
请一直 澎湃我热切的血液
我活着的目的 就是活得鲜明!!!!!

Same goes for everyone else... (:

OK, then after that... Had a tough time taking my books home... But I managed to anyways, in the end, eventually... With help from Kelvin and Gordon... Hahaha... And my SUPER-HUMAN strength! HAHAZ~~~

Anyways then after that came home... Then set off to meet up with GRASS & GORDON at COMPASSPOINT. Gordon and me went to claim our albums... Grass came along... Then after that we went to eat... DA ZUI BA joined us later..... I was like kept on saying "aiyo got my album le... wanna go home listen... so let's all go home and abandon da zui ba HAHAHA".....

As we ate I couldn't resist it and STARTED listening to ENCORE le lor... OMG...

Then when he came le we just kept on saying he "dai4 sai4" hahaha...
ANYWAYS I know that we are really ke4 bo2 lar~~~But then hor, DUNNO leh heeheehee. It's like in a way we would treat him that way ONLY because we do consider him as a REALLY good friend, anyways.

Guess that's abt all.... For now.


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