Monday, November 29, 2004

Erm, days ago I bought something from a tidbits shop just because it was playing S.H.E's CD. :P

Yesterday I went into a VCD store, then decided: I shall purchase more~As I heard S.H.E music yet again! As I dallied around taking a really long time trying to CHOOSE... The music changed to Steffie Sunnie. "HOR! Then I shall not buy anymore le since it's not S.H.E." And therefore in the end I bought only 1 VCD hahaha... XD

The two that I wanted to buy not available lar... Da4 bian4.....
蓝色大门 (a Taiwan film) & 情书 (a Japanese film). :P

ANYWAYs! Once again I've been watching S.H.E videoclips the -COMPUTER-SMART- me downloaded from the Internet... HAHAHA!!!
OMG you know what, over in TAIWAN, they booked an ENTIRE CINEMA to have some sort of "WORLD PREMIERE" of the MUSIC VIDEO for Wo3 Ai4 Ni3 I Love You... The whole MV was an entire 13 minutes, based on a real story, and that's like so... SO SO SO COOL lor. But the story was stupid to the extreme in my opinion lar. I mean, just think abt WAITING for someone for a whole 40 years!!! Omg~~~Kong3 bu4. All my life I've never even ever thought abt like, giving up so much for love or whatsoever lor. Kekeke. The ESSENTIAL part of living is to HAVE FUN & be happy, love is only like... A dessert or side-dish? ^.^ DUNNO lar. Actually. HMMs.

Anyways I just wonder how the guy could actually survive the whole 40 years lor~Omg... I was even thinking the possibility of: He must definitely be ugly to a certain standard le, therefore the girl was actually the only one who would want him... XD HAHAHA!!!

Anyways I expect the MV to be really touching too, anyways. I LOVE it when MVs are shot like MOVIEs, man!!! Cuz the very idea of MOVIEs just DRAW me into them. (:

OMG I love the song Wo3 Ai4 Ni3 lor! HOHOHO.
It's like... The MV was taken in SHANGHAI omg!!! And it's also like, one of the scenes featured in the MV was also a "setting" in the movie ****2046****!!! HOHOHO I think they really put in a lot of cash for this one. Now that's good. Cuz Hou4 Niao3's MV was rather cheap-skate. The only thing good abt it was my Hebe being the lead. Then Tong4 Kuai4's MV - Too clustered. 4 sets of props and all that in one MV... That's like so distracting and out-of-focus lor! And both MVs, very cheap-skately, got their commercials implemented inside... =.= || Anyways it's like I think TONG4 KUAI4 would have been a really cool MV if they take away the NERD + BLACK CLOTHES SKATING parts lor... HAIZ~Because the rest IS cool. Those 2 spoilt the entire MV lor~~~HAI.

OMG --- Simply love the song leh! HOHOHO. ^.^ It's really a CLASSIC to me lor. Omg. The entirety of the song. So super duper cool. Totally rocks lor. >.<

從你眼睛看著自己 最幸福的倒影
握在手心的默契 是明天的指引

無論是遠近 什麼世紀 在天堂擁抱 或荒野流離

我愛你 我敢去 未知的任何命運
我愛你 我願意 准你來跋扈地決定 世界邊境

偶爾我真的不懂你 又有誰真懂自己
往往兩個人多親密 是透過傷害來證明

像焦慮不安我就任性 怕泄漏你怕 所以你生氣

我愛你 讓我聽 你的疲憊和恐懼
我愛你 我想親 你倔強到極限的心

我撐起所有愛 圍成風雨的禁地
擋狂風豪雨 想讓你喘口氣
被割破的信心 需要時間痊癒
夢想纏著懷疑 未來看不清
就緊緊的擁抱 去傳遞能量和勇氣 我愛你

我愛你 我想去 未知的任何命運
我愛你 讓我聽 你的疲憊和恐懼
我愛你 我想親 你倔強到極限的心

哪裡都一起去 一起仰望星星
一起走出森林 一起品嘗回憶
一起誤會妒忌 一起雨過天晴
一起更懂自己 一起找到意義

我愛你 我不要沒有你
我不能沒有你 絕不能沒有你


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