Saturday, November 27, 2004

Listening to S.H.E songs, once again. (:
Omg~~~Listening to Hou4 Niao3 now lar... Cannot tahan the way Hebe biao1 gao1 yin1 inside lor... So super duper cool!

Anyways, you know the thing is right, today I just sort of discovered that all those peeps who know how to chuang4 zuo4 learnt the piano from very young. HMMPH! Qi4 si3 wo3 le~~~I never ever doubted my own abilities lor... And I mean a kid's potential is inmeasurable... If I can learn abt computers on my own when I was in Pri. Sch... Then if my mother actually hired someone to teach me piano~~~I think I would have been a genius liao. HAHAHA. DUNNO lar. Qi4 si3 wo3 le~~~

Then now even if I want to learn also dunno where to start. Cuz it's like... IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a piano teacher buy a piano because of my BELOVED parents lar. DAMN IT. Omg I'm feeling so pissed off at the mmt. SKY arh. If I'm not listening to S.H.E songs now I would have blown my cover off le... AARGH!

HMMsie. Dunno lar. I gotta pay the library a visit some day. See if I can pick up any books to get me started~You know the problem abt learning on your own is that you DON'T KNOW where to start... Like last time I wanted to learn abt game programming, then it's like really totally clueless lor. Because it's like you have to learn abt things from the basics up right... But LIKE you know how you should go abt it if you're learning on your own anyways.

So basically my computer knowledge uptil now is only basics/ intermediate level. =.=" Actually KK lar. Computers are abt COMMON SENSE and LOGICAL REASONING. HOHOHO I think I'm a super logical person lor. (:

HAIYA dunno lar! Really bei4 qi4 dao4 le~~~TOTALLY.
I really don't trust other people to PLAN my life for me, totally. Like they KNOW what is the BEST for me/ what do I want lidat. As always, my FAITH & BELIEF is in self. YEPYEP. Therefore I should start doing something someday... Uh..... :| But the biggest challenge I always face is my own lazeeness and my un-tahanablility to BOREDOM...



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