Monday, November 22, 2004


=.= Nothing to do leh. OMG. Ok I shall visit the library today. ^.^
ERM. I wanna borrow THE DA VINCI CODE leh. Heard very nice. Super nice. Everyone say nice. Then I 随波逐流 like I've always did lor. @:)

Anyways, since it's the holidays, the hardworking me, once again... Will want to self-learn the following stuffs: COMPUTERS (More of GRAPHICS stuff I guess... Though MAYBE I would want to start a lil bit on PROGRAMMING now again... :P), MUSIC (Omg I don't even know how to read scores), SCIENCE (HOHOHO I'm a SCIENCE student, for general knowledge lar...), LITERATURE (English - GET OUT! Chinese, COME IN... HAHAHA) & STORY BOOKS... (English... Because I've been getting SERIOUSLY 年久失修 on my English... >.<)

For now I'm abandoning humanities... History and all tt crap. EH. See first lar. My SS sucks. May NEED to read some of that stuff in the end. OH YA, then I want to borrow books on PHILOSOPHY also HAHAHA.

Ok. I must set myself a target... Read at least 1 book every week.
Read at least 4 English storybooks this entire holiday... ((Will have to see lar... Because English storybooks don't have that STYLE of text I like the... Then everytime I pick up one English storybook, after a few pages, I put it down... =__=||)) HAIYO~~~Dunno lar. My English is starting to get so worrying for me HAHAHA. The more I go towards Chinese (Chinese music, Chinese storybooks...), the further I distant myself from English... HMMsie.

ANYWAYS! That's all my plans for the day.
Downloading S.H.E clips at the mmt.

I tell you hor, if they got show all those S.H.E videos here on TV in Singapore, I ENSURE you the entire country will fall in love with them lor~It's like the very reason why I love S.H.E so much is because they are so super gao3 xiao4 (on all those videos that I've downloaded...)... That's why I love them. But then not everyone is as IT-wise as me and therefore it's like~~~HAIZ. I tell you hor, if you compare the variety shows on TV with those that I'm watching (from downloading)... It's as PATHETIC as pathetic can be. HAIZ. Anyways it's like Gordon lar Da Zui Ba lar is also start to like S.H.E more after watching their clips one mah... Because I shared some with them heeheehee. (Advertising for my S.H.E.). Then Gordon also said his sis like start to take an interest in S.H.E after seeing how funny they are... You see --- They're really the "bestest" singers that I know. (: In terms of the way they interact with each other, bring joy to the people around them, are serious abt their stuff, ability to find fun and stay high everytime..... That's just so absolutely cool!

Oh man... I would love to be in TW. Then I will not be as bored now I guess.
S.H.E activities thru' out the holidays, baby~S.H.E on TV all the time, OMG. S.H.E posters wherever I go, that's right... And I would FINALLY be watching TV over there... Because they have so many channels to choose from... OMG~~~Ok I better stop this, if not I'll think worse and worse of my current state and REGRET REGRET more & more... HOHOHO.

Actually hor, I don't mind MIGRATING to TAIWAN now leh HAHAHA. But like I can lidat.
It's like OMG I will be like a fish in water in TW. The only worrying issue will be a Cheena-borne Chinese in a conflicting country lar... Huh. But then that time I watch TV I saw TAIWANESE living purrfectly fine in Cheena lar! And Taiwan singers can go to China... Which leads me to think that it's TAIWAN who are not as friendly to Mainland Chinese... HMMsie. Dunno lar. DARK politics. Oh.

If not I can be really occupied if I'm in Cheena at the mmt too, OMG~~~~~~~~

AARGH... If only I have wings and I can FLY -----

时间如果可以倒流我想我还是会继续蹉跎... (Some Mayday song lyrics :P)

Got rhythme dao4 leh OMG...
Nothing to do. AARGH~!~!~!~~~Off to bath and SET OUT.


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