Monday, November 15, 2004

The Incredibles~

Heyhey~Went to watch THE INCREDIBLES today!!! I think it was worth the money... (: YAY!!! It was supposed to be SNEAK PREVIEW, I think... But I don't see any diff... Anyways, the cinema was HELLUVA packed!!! :P

KKz, then there's this woman inside who REALLY reminds me of LIM LEONG... So stupid! Everytime laugh like sai4 when I saw her lor... HAHAZ... So funny...

Just take a look at how qian4 bian3 she is...

Then I like DASH... He's so CUTE~!~!~!~~~Hahaz... The lil baby's pretty cool too... SERIOUSLY think that VIOLET looks like some kind of PERVERT~!~!~!~~~

I shall put this under one of my fave movies also... (: Love such 3D animations lor... It's like WOAH~So amazing! OK I wanna buy THE INCREDIBLES DVD!!!

Wanting to watch THE POLAR EXPRESS also. Cause when I read the synopsis like quite cool lidat. ^.^ Uh... ANYWAYS... I DO think I'm super STINGY you know. Because it's like SO MANY stuff I wanna buy never buy yet... Then still got lil EXPENDITURE here and there... So tao3 ren2 yan4 mah...

I wanna buy a headphone - Should be $59...
Buy a new harddisk - Should be $100-$200...
Buy a new specs by 8th of JAN - Also $100-$200... HAIYOYO~~~

But then you can observe my "answering trends" like this...

-You wanna go watch Shutter? (Or any other comedy/ horror film... $6.50)
"Eh..... See first."
-DJWudjfbhhegwe#$Wdesgdgs... (Convincing convincing convincing...)
"Who's going...? Dunno leh..."
-Etc. etc.
"AIYO dunno lar..."
-Etc. etc.
"Can sponsor?..."

And it goes on and on...

-You wanna go (any S.H.E event)?


HAHAHA~~~Now you see for whom I am willing to spend my $$ on... :P
---Oh ya I'm planning to buy the S.H.E SCHOOLING KIT to motivate myself!!! (:---
Frankly speaking I don't really have the SUPER urge to go for the chalet tml leh... Lazee... In a way the idea of staying out with a HUGE grp of people totally DRAINS me... Omg... Though it IS fun... K lar~~~Dunno leh... HAIYOYO... Sometimes I really don't mind BORING myself to death at home you know... I'm just that kind of person I guess... Can stand doing the same thing over and over again by myself... Slacking~~~Letting my thoughts wander... It's the gift of an only child. YES. :P

HAIYO~~~DUNNO lar OMG I'm so INDECISIVE!!! But I STILL ***LOVE*** myself and ACCEPT myself for WHO I AM, I ROCK!!! Hahaha... Getting nuts... WHY!? I'm listening to TONG4 KUAI4!!! ^.^

Anyways... I'm so ABSOLUTELY in love with ***ENCORE*** I can't believe it... S.H.E ***IS*** shi2 li4 pai4 OK!?!?!?... It's like... OMG... Cannot tahan it... WO3 AI4 NI3, BU2 ZAI4 CHANG3, JIN1 ZHONG ZHAO TIE BU SHAN etc. etc. ROCKS lor... :'( Omg... I'm so... TOUCHED~~~

OMG see see see! ENCORE release 1/2/3 days only and TOP 2!!! OMG tai4 power le!!! S.H.E ROCKS~~~I'm a 100% fan OK~~~Too impressed with ENCORE le. Anyways the fact is, SINGAPORE here dun get to see like all their videos (which I downloaded from online)... If not I bet everyone would love S.H.E as much as I do lor... Cuz they si1 di3 xia4 too gao3 xiao4 le!!!


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