Thursday, November 18, 2004

Wah... You know I was just watching some S.H.E clips I missed these few days.
And really, 实在有感而发~
Dunno lar~But I just cna't agree more on... "反正迟早都要一死 还不如活的时候把心情调适好..." I mean, it IS true lor. When you think abt we're all gonna DIE one day, what does ANYTHING matter that much anyways!? Nothing can be quite eternal in nature or whatsoever... Even love or relationships, it's just *maintained* or whatsoever... So, I dunno~Basically it's just a rule to myself to not to get sad over people/ things that make me sad... Because they're not WORTHY of my concern. I mean OK lar maybe we could all cry a while~Then that's it, that spells the end - MOVE ON to other, better things. OK~~~My life's philosophy is simply... *ABANDON, MOVE ON*. Can't imagine myself dwelling on ANYTHING...

I dunno lar. HMMsie. That are always those people & things that are so GOD-DAMN frustrating on this Earth... AARGH!!!

Anyways, I hope Ella can really pull thru' this really 低潮期 too... @:)

GOD KNOWS. Living's a TOUGH job man, when you want to be happy... HMMs. Heck~~~I'll be stepping into another direction of my own in life. Yepyep. At least mentally bah... ^.^

I'll need all that I can gather to achieve something, in a metaphorically way.


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