Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Oh ya~Then you know right, during the Chalet we were actually chatting chatting chatting. Hmmsie, then it's like, as we chatted, there were LOADs of thoughts flowing thru' my brain but I selectively said some in words. :P

Because the thing is, whenever I'm presented with an issue, automatically I start looking at it from 2 perspectives... Or maybe even more. From my own, then putting myself in that person's shoes (for eg.)... And like what OTHERs may think of it. So it's lidat lor hahaha. Ok lar, and I think this is what makes me very "ok lar..." abt most things... Because if you really probe into the nature of things and try to understand motives... I think there'll be this certain understanding & tolerance there.

But anyways, sometimes I think I *think* too much; Too much to be of any good... :P Hahaz!

I mean, as in, when we were talking abt... We enjoying making noise... And disliking it when others like "oei, keep quiet leh...". For me that is the case lar. And then when you look at it - When we see OTHER PEOPLE creating a din on buses etc... Maybe there would be this displeasure in us too. In fact it happens. So in a way it's like if you just play around with the diff. perspectives a bit you'll be like: Woah... No one's that a great person afterall.

Dunno lar~Sometimes it's just funny when you ponder abt the idea of life, humans and etc...

An optimist would think that life would mean to enjoy...
While a pessimist thinks that we live to suffer, and as we suffer redeem ourselves bcuz all humans are sinned...? And all that crap~

And like I've always thought so... No one is the one same person to everyone else... Etc. etc. HMMsie. Dunno lar. Lazee to blog more.

The thing is, nothing is ABSOLUTE in life. It's abt CHOICES & perspectives. Failing an exam doesn't mean an ABSOLUTE failure at getting successful... It's just a choice of accepting the failure and picking yourself up, then TRY even harder or turn to alternate paths which leads you to the same desired destination in the end... Or simply condemning yourselves. Yepyeppie. Some may view a failure as an OPPORTUNITY to learn, to do EVEN BETTER next time, one stop closer towards success... While others may think that it spells the end of everything... Etc. etc...

So, basically, life is always out there, waiting to be figured out by ourselves... ^.^ It's an EXPERIENCE~!~!~!~~~


Blogger Michhhh x said...

ehh i was also thinkin bout that :D

anyway, can post the photos we took on ur bloggie? heheee.........

12:23 PM  

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