Friday, December 03, 2004

Dui4 Hao4 Ru4 Zuo4... :P

Actually this song really very nice lor, if it was sung with the ORIGINAL bian1 qu3... I HATE the new bian1 qu3 man, super noisy and out-of-focus and LAN4 LAN4 LAN4 LAN4 LAN4... Kekeke. Otherwise this would be a really cute song... Even better than I.O.I.O, hohoho. :S

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Hao3 ku4 orh! Hahaha...

I saw the news ((video)) lar... They were so HIGH lor. Super duper funny... HAHAz... :P Selina was really very tou2 ru4 in "role-playing out the old times"... Hahaz... :P

SELINA則是走火入魔表示:「這裝扮跟舞蹈真是太適合我了!哈哈!」接著SELINA傳神地模仿起了當時的秀場性感天后的嗲樣,一舉手一投足都女人味十足,最後還貼在牆壁上以性感、慵懶的姿態唱起了『但是又何奈』,搞得現場工作人員頻頻笑場。ELLA受不了大叫:「SELINA你太OVER啦!有點造作唷!」 沒想到SELINA完全不在意:「我有造作嗎?我在家洗澡也是這樣耶!」



I hope they zhu3 da3 Jin1 Zhong1 Zhao4 Tie3 Bu4 Shan1 next leh... <--- I think this is one song that probably... A whole family will like...? Cuz it's so healthy. Cannot tahan. I like it for the melody and singing only, though... :P Hebe rocks inside!
Then maybe Bie2 Shuo1 Dui4 Bu4 Qi3/ Bu2 Zai4 Chang... etc. etc... Basically just BOMBARD the television with ALL THE SONGs, EVERY SONG... Because each of them is worthy of a hit! bWaHaHa..... Oh... And I very qi1 dai4 the MV to Da4 Nv3 Ren2 Zhu3 Yi4 also (Big Woman Main Idea)... :P Because it is one song that... Just the musical arrangement enough, feels very... Sexy! :P And very got attitude... Ku4 bah!

Anyways~~~If Wo3 Ai4 Ni3 didn't win the Best MV for Taiwan GMA next year... I can only say they're BLIND. Because firstly it is WELL-SHOT, and based on a true story. And since the settings composed Taiwan & China... This MV should win since it is able to bring awareness to blah blah blah... Just as some dumb show won over The Rose in the recent drama awards just because... "It brings awareness on environmental issues..." Feel like throwing rotten eggs at those peeps. But nvm lar~Since Hebe also not the female lead... I don't care that much, hahaz! :P

So far all the MVs are rather cool lar... I *HATE* it when they just video scenes from autographing sessions and live performances and put it into an MV lor... That is like so... CHEAP-SKATE. For eg. Yes I Love You & Mo Li. =.=

Haiyo then I really hope they include HOURS of extra mu4 hou4 hua1 xu4 inside DVDs leh... It's like... The DVD for Qi Huan Lv Cheng, only had... 12 minutes extra content...? *Pukes*...


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