Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Oh my god~So beezee lately I can't believe it... Or maybe it's due to the fact that I've been keeping myself occupied. (: I mean, I used to just dump all my homework aside... etc. but it's better now - Yeps.

Anyways was really beat out today... And as usual Chinese lessons always turned out to be a chatting session for me... Hahaz... Dunno leh.

Then afterwards, on our way out, saw a taxi, then took it to Parkway with Gordon Dan Yen Sen. Ate at the food court... And proceeded to Roti Boy. Wahz. I love the feel of that bread in my mouth - Super nice lor! But the taste it a lil bit too salty for me... Still, it's really delicious.

Then we took taxi back to school... All the way in... To the English thingy.

Etc. etc. then off home.

Actually hor~I just started wondering abt my own future these days. I mean, I don't wanna become a Scientist nor a Mathematician... So what should I study in Uni? I'm keeping my options VERY open. Things from mass media to literature to philosophy to even the previously never-thought-of, psychology. But then~Dunno leh. I just don't want to be dealing with Science and all that crap ALL my life.

I mean~Even interior designing DOES appeal to me right now... Hmmsie.

Dunno leh... I mean, sometimes when I just stop to think abt it: OMG I'm going to be supporting MYSELF in a few more years' and I'm like OMG how am I going to go abt doing that...? And the prospect of going to some city alone bcuz I just want a brand new xperience... Etc. etc... I mean, life is so unpredictable.

DUNNO LAR. Woooo --- Sometimes there are pieces of me that wants everything to stay the same. Yet there's another side saying things CHANGE as well. So, well, ultimately my decision is to pack my bags and leave anytime I'm ready to go. (: I don't want to be stagnant and holding onto wisps of things that have been down into history... I mean, to me I would love to see a whole new env. and know whole new people for a diff. stage of my life, even if it means saying good-bye to things that I've known so well. I mean... Er~To me it's like things will always turn out for the better. (: So all I have to do is to drop my "holding-onto" and grab something new. :P

Yeps. Can't believe it's going to be the end of 4 years of Secondary education really soon though... Hmms.
But if I really look back I guess there aren't anything in my life that I regret at all. I live for the mmt. Alright. And enjoy myself wherever life takes me. (: I mean, if you think abt NOTHING's FOREVER, even our own lives, nothing seems that hard or unbearable anymore... :P

Don't know lar~~~

Actually I do feel like going overseas after O'lvls le leh... I've spent a good I've-lost-count years in Singapore and I need some FRESH AIR, BRAND NEW ENV... But then~~~HAI. Life's just lidat. You always don't get what you want. Duh. :(

Otherwise I would have been to Japan Europe US Korea for studying by now... :P


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