Monday, January 10, 2005

Sky arh... Today I got to sch rather late. So I bought my bag to WRITING GROUP.
I can't believe how DUMB those MUDs can get... I was like, eh, I dropped Bio to come and join you all le leh... Mud-Man was like !?!?!? with her yes going "hugely"-round... Calcium even worse lor, "SERIOUS!?!?!?"... And I was like, starting to laugh, then she was like, still thinking it's unbelievable.....

So stupid lor~
Well~Then the teacher was uh, to me, the prettiest one I can see among those teachers in our school. Mrs Goh also. Can't be helped~I like that type one HAHAHA. I mean, she was also rather cute?

Then it's like all those students kept harassing her.....

Anyways, then Dan Gordon Me were in a group... And MUD a team of HER OWN bWaHaHa.
Basically we just pushed all those jobs to her HAHAZ!
And crapped away while we are suppose to write things down in point form... Can't believe Eileen (she told us to call her that) said we were elaborate lor.....

Aiyo~Then she really very cute leh. Because we decided to ask, I mean GET, Mud Mud to call her over then say "ok fine, nothing..."... Then Mud Mud did. And she came over. We talked a bit. Then she asked us why we called her over. Then we said nothing. And Muddy was like they asked me to call you. Then we were like huh huh huh. Then Eileen yelled out "tian1 arh!!!" (because I wrote this tian arh in speech bubble on the foolscap). So dumb lor~

Basically we spent the lesson crapping lar... Coming up with points such as "CAUTION: Make sure you are DEAF before listening to music" etc. etc...

And the mess was left to Mud Mud to clear, bWaHaHa!!!

Then after that lesson lesson lesson...
Recess... Lunch~~~Oh ya! During lunch, much to my shock, I discovered that one of the cushion for my headphone was gone... I'm like !?!?!?!?!? --- BAI CHI!!!!!!!! ALL YOUR FAULT!!! And started banging her head etc. etc... So DAI4 SAI4 lor.

Basically I just kept PAI2 CHI4-ing her afterwards.

Oh ya, actually hor, during Chinese I kept talking and talking with Dan. I don't know why I kept talking. But basically the talking was just kept lar, so kept talking lar. And it's like, I think I was sort of feeling euphoric, or whatever that song of thing, then Dan pointed out to me NG AH KAY had 10 IE windows open... I'm like, BURST out laughing? So stupid~Cannot tahan it when I see people being stupid.

Oh ya, then half-way thru' the lesson I asked NG AH KAY if can postpone deadline for holiday homework submission anot... He say cannot. Then I'm like, turned my head and said: Hmmph! Even if I don't hand in you also can't do anything to me~bWaHaHa!!!

So stupid lor~

Then during E. Geog. right..... Basically I kind of started feeling euphoria (aiyo dunno the spelling lar) again... Then Huiting was like presenting, then Dan pointed out to me she kept on making her hair... Then I look... Then everytime she did that I could not contain my laugher~Then as she presented right, she's like everything "...then die"... Ok I found that funny as well. Then she even started saying "...will stick onto the birds' fur"... Then I BURSTED. And peeps were like wondering why I found it so amusing, and I was like... Ok you have no sense of humour HAHAHA. Sky arh~~~

Whatever lar. Actually I don't even quite know what kind of job I would want next time leh. SURELY nothing Scientific. I HATE conducting Science experiments, period.

Etc. etc.~Whatever lar. Meanwhile I shall be off to watch my beloved darling sweetie sexy cool as ice kachang S.H.E's performance last nite. :)

Cuz I missed it... And even though I knew they were going for this thing... Too tired the entire weekend to care... Lalala.

Hebe rocks! bWaHaHa!!!!!!!!


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