Sunday, January 23, 2005

Man... Been going to bed only at 2 am+ these few days.
Omg my BASAL METABOLISM!... Bcuz I had to do some homework yesterday.
Read thru' E. Geog. Attempted Chem. Etc. Leaving some for today.

And I woke up now... Meaning I slept a total of less than 7 hours, so as to play PS2... I agree on my Xiao Lianlian's statement that "It's a waste of time to sleep".... Because it's like right, I hardly get the time to play nowadays. Well, it's like if I wake up late I'll end up playing then doing decent work then pushing my sleeping time further back.

However if I wake up early at least I get more time to play HOHOHO...

Whatever lar.

Anyways, I realized that DAVID TAO is like... SUPER ugly lor. Omg I just saw him in the news the other day and I was like OMG he *IS* ugly. And I cannot tahan the way he talked, very... "Selina's father style" - No wonder Selina liked him and I didn't liked him. :o Omg~~~I can't believe it, 9 out of 10 male singers looks like... HUMAN faeces. HAIz.

On the other hand I'm really starting to like Lee Hom (though I still think his songs are not nice) & Angela Chang le leh~Oh~My~God!

Anyways, but David Tao's album is many times nicer than Lee Hom's leh.
But even Lee Hom is many times more good-looking than he is.
His entire album is very CHEENA also. There was even this collaboration with 12 Girls Band. ^.^ I tell you what, many people love to do Cheena-like pop music nowadays lor. Perfect example S.H.E's SUPER STAR & TONG KUAI. Anyways they say it's due to the very fact that such kind of music can break into the China market more steadily.

Whatever lar~

Off to playing SHADOW HEARTS. I decided that I shall not go out too much until I finish this game le, bWaHaHa. 我要闭关修炼~I go out when I have nothing to do at home. Now that I have a game to keep me occupied, I shall just save on the $$. :P


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