Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Omg... It's like... You know what happened today?
Dan got her thing, and I was like going along with her and Jiejie cuz I wanna slack around a bit first. Feeling really sleepy.

Then the worker was cleaning up the girls' toilet. Then I think she asked us to go to the Teacher's toilet. Well it came off as PERFECLY logical & fine to me.

What is the BIG deal abt the teachers' toilet, anyways!?
I mean, it's smaller than the girls' toilet and it's not like it's any better decorated than the girls' toilet too...

Kkz... So there we were. And some other girls came in too.

Then all of a sudden, Mrs Ho (aka Monkey) popped her head in. Then she was like demanding "why are you here!?"

I couldn't understand the big fuss, so me and Jie Jie was like "she got her thing" "the girls' toilet was being cleaned..." etc. etc.,justifying our prescence there - And to me it's PERFECTLY justifyable.

But she was like "can't you go to the upstairs or downstairs toilet!?" And instantly the first thought that popped-up was: Omg! What's the big deal abt using the teachers' toilet!? For goodness' sake... Then I really could not understand her, nor could I think of any reason to rebuke her except the thought that: There's nothing wrong with using the teachers' toilet... Therefore I was like looking around, blah blah blah...

And the next thing she did, she actually asked Dan to come out of the cubicle.
And I was like another thought surging up my head: But she's having her thing! And she didn't have her skirt on! FOR GOODNESS' SAKE... So we told her but she insisted. Omg, man was I feeling annoyed at the way her brain works man. Stubborn as a mule (is there such an idiom or whatsoever...?). Dumb as a monkey.

Anyways then Dan came out, obviously she wasn't too happy abt the situation lar.
Then after a few words Monkey was like telling her: You shut up, you're so rude blah blah blah and wanted to listen to me and Yi Jie only.

Then she was also like it must not be your first time here. Omg FOR GOODNESS' SAKE when I think abt it now I feel like punching her in the face and pulling her brains apart to see what's inside. I simply cannot tahan it when I find that something is PERFECTLY fine and UNDERSTANDABLE and JUSTIFYABLE and somebody else comes along with an aggressive attitude picking faults from all over the place and all that lor.

Anyways basically I just gave my reasons with absolute "dignity" or whatsoever. Because I don't think we are in the WRONG. Never at all. I mean - It just comes back to - What's the BIG DEAL abt teachers' toilets!? It's not like it's sacred ground or something. OH! MY!! GOD!!!

Anyways then she was also like asking us for our class and all that and etc... Blah blah blah~~~Omg... How much more annoying can she get lor... It's like making a big fuss over something minor.

Oh ya, to me it's like, I get really irritated when I consider something as minor and unlookable... And somebody else goes racking it up. I'll be like OH FOR HELL'S SAKE I WANNA BLAST you APART and look what's inside that FREAK brain of yours!!!

That is so... Idiotic.

Dunno leh. Whatever lar. My basic idea is still like, if I think I'm wrong, even if I'm breaking the rules or whatsoever, I stand firm to my position. But another thing is that, even so, it's like if I'm faced with teachers or whatsoever I'll just say out of the typical-script in my head... "I'm sorry..." blah blah blah etc. etc... You know the thing abt adults is that they love things to be under this sort of very "stereotypical-scenarios" or whatsoever instead of defiance.

Ohmygod~It's like I always feel like... If it's some sort of war occupation I'm living in or whatsoever, I might survive really well compared to others. As in, I'm a very flexible person who uses my own survival and welfare as a gauge when doing things or talking and all that, I mean. I won't be those super "PATRIOTS" who go abt scolding their enemies in the face... Instead, if say I'm on the disadvantaged, I'll just act to the situation and all that blah blah blah... bWaHaHa!!! Just borne with it. :P

But that's only my own deduction lar. I won't know what I'd really do, anyways.

But basically it comes down to I think everyone should be so grateful that I'm borne kind-hearted lor. Because I have a feeling like, if I'm going to turn evil, I won't be those dumbos who go around killing people in daylight leh, instead I'll be the evil mastermind who carries out her plots secretly and gives people deadly blows in the back or whatsoever... bWaHaHa!!! That is like so much more CLASS~~~ than those thieves and robbers lor.

So sad I'm borne kind-hearted lar. HAIZ. :P

I unleash the EVIL side of me in videogames only... bWaHaHa... Double-crossing and blowing up everyone in sight... XD Hao3 bian4 tai4 orh.

Whatever lar.


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