Sunday, January 23, 2005

Oh ya, yesterday night I was reading all those E. Geog. newspaper cuttings.
And I was like only concerned abt the date - Omg it's gonna happen in my lifetime?

Whatever lar. You know the thing abt the world nowadays is that there are far too much people LIVING. And with countries refusing to adopt environmental-friendly pressures bcuz they often hinder development, etc. etc... I AM starting to think that it's like, if you give birth to someone at all, you're just letting them suffer.

Oh, of cuz not forgetting all that tremendous build-up of stress from various sectors and all that. It's like - OMG lor.

I would rather live in that sort of lands in RPGs whereby people have to polish up their skills and roam abt the land killing monsters trying to survive... That sort of life whereby you don't know where you'll be next and basically - SURVIVAL to the fittest. The price to pay for defeat none other than your life. Things just seem so much simpler and straight-forward lidat. Or whatsoever.

I mean, on one hand I'm practical as can be - I go for Science over Art and the rest. And on the other hand I do find this world so HOPELESSLY boring. Then and again I would tell myself to make the best out of everything. And then live on, no matter how "meaningless" things may seem to me almost all the time. So... Uh. I dunno. =.=||

AARGH! Dunno lar. I'm just curious if there're more to this world than all that system and order around, sky arh~It's like TOTALLY cool lor, if you could live in a dream. Because that'll be like, the WORLD of your dreams etc. etc...

Whatever lar. Betta be off to touch-up on somemore homework le.
Well. Let's just say that I love RPGs because I like that kind of WORLDs. In contrary to reality. So meaning I'm an "escapist" in terms of my mental activity, but what I'm doing all the time is nothing but down-to-earth and practical. Well, most of the time what I do or what I say DOES NOT coincide with what's really going on inside me... Duh.

Whatever lar. Sky arh~~~It's like so cool lor. Oh! My!! God!!!
Reality is boring..... Uh, when I'm doing nothing but playing RPG games lar. But then~~~~~Dunno leh.

Sometimes I would just have this DESPERATE desire to get-away from everything, I mean I ALWAYS have this desire of GETTING-AWAY. But what kept my feet firm to the ground is none other than my too-unbreakable-self-control-for-my-own-good and etc. etc...

DUNNO lar! AIYO~~~


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