Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Omg... Today I just suddenly realized: Hey! You're like 3 more years to 20 after your birthday this year, you know!

And "ME" was like: OMG!? REALLY!? That is so SCARY! when I feel like nothing has changed a bit... In terms of mentality.

I mean, it's like --- Days fly by so past my "growth" can't even catch up with time - Everything feels like it's only been yesterday... OMG that is like so OH! My!! God!!!

Ok. From now on I shall revert to the SERIOUS side of me. Put away the side of me that I use to confront people for the mmt and bring out all the SERIOUSNESS in me.

OK. I will have to constantly remind myself: You're 16+ le for goodness' sake.
Ok and I'll have to stop laughing too much. That just seems so childish. Maturity is accompanied by a "calm" composure, alright. And I'll have to STOP shouting altogether. And etc. etc...

Anyways my idea is that I'll start being really organized when I get into JCs. (:
Cuz I'm abt done and sick of being -untidy & disorganized- for over dunno how many years le... Therefore it's time for me to explore the other side of my personality bWaHaHa...

Whatever lar. OK. Be serious. CEJ. That's it. :
Oh ya. And stop bothering people. Cuz ANOTHER side of me's sick of that le lar actually~But the devilish and saddistic side of me simply ENJOY banging people's heads. WELL. I'll just have to constantly remind myself to keep my cool... KKK.

SERIOUSSS --- It's time to grow up, in action. =.=


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