Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sky arh... And then I stayed back after school... To help decorate the cls today.
By colouring 小鸡鸡s... HAHAZ! But then my colouring very LIGHT leh... From since pri. sch. till now I've never changed this... ^.^" It's like my art teacher last time kept on telling me abt this lor...

Sky arh... It's like I ROCK lor! My 小鸡鸡 is like so CUTE! (Er... Dun think Y)

荣誉呈现 人类有史以来最美丽最漂亮的 小鸡鸡 未来大设计师的杰作

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Sky arh! I suddenly feel like taking ELECTIVE ART... Cuz Wanqi drew very nicely leh! It's like last time during A MATHS lesson Mrs TAN got approached me asking me if I wanna join lor... But then now it's like I'm rather interested in designing therefore I'm feeling like MAYBE I should join mah...

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Maybe I can learn on my own first bah... Try to do more handcraft work from now on. ^.^ It's like... I think I *would* like to be a GRAPHICS DESIGNER lor. Then the other day I saw that 1/3rd of designers are self-employed and I'm like OMG that is so --- Er, unique...? HAHA!

Presenting to you below the MUDDIEST chicken ever. MUD-MAN finally has a 竞争对手 le.
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And this is like so COOL!!!!
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Done by the Maths & Science genius of my cls. HAHAZ.

AT WORK........
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OMG I'm so proud of my own work... And OMG I love BRIGHT colours. CAST-AWAY to b&w and ALL other DULL colours!
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Urm... I was like laughing like shit when Sheena said she's going to use 2 colours only for her chicken... Ok she added in another colour... WELL, but I was really LAUGHING until my back hurt.
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FEATURING the most wonderful & marvellous & gorgeous etc. etc. hp wallpaper on the world... HAHAHA it's not my phone lar... It's like I pai pai pai until the storage full and I had to delete some lor... XD
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Actually I realized my 表情 was rather idiotic leh... But nvm I still rock HAHAHA!
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Shee-neh's finished work... ^.^
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And this is like... So DISGUSTING.

---当废话多(绝技:自言自语) 遇上了 大嘴巴(绝技:海啸算什么?我口水更多.)---

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"Eh 我发现我们很配耶...(以下省略n句废话)"

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全世界最可爱的手指头... XD
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仙女专用 莲花指 耶 哈哈哈!!!
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我郑重申明 这是别人 colour 的哦 加上那个名字后竟然变得奇美无比...哈哈哈!!!
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