Saturday, February 05, 2005

House of Fury

Aiyo I can't wait for this film to be shown in Singapore leh!

STARRING TWINS (mainly my beloved GILLIAN, but then actually I'm also starting to like that Charlene as well lar. Cuz she's so cute! Hahaz...), DANIEL WU (as Gillian's BF... :) etc. etc...

I think it's going to be really cool lor. Cuz it's an action film meaning Gillian will be FIGHTING! Tai4 ji2 quan2 somemore leh... Omg I love it when Gillian fIgHtS. She's like super duper cool lor~

Meanwhile, I'm rather interested in Elektra (ACTION!!!) and Constantine (heaven & hell, Omg I love such themes. :P) too~~~


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