Sunday, February 06, 2005

Omg! SHADOW HEARTS: Covenant is like... The BESTEST RPG I have played so far, now!
In terms of STORY & PLOT...

(Star Wars is BEST in terms of game-play, Kingdom Hearts in terms of graphics and cut-scenes...)

It is like so SIMPLY touching lor - Oh! My! GOD!!!

It's even more touching than Crying Out of Love, In The Centre of The World (in fact I didn't find this one touching at all) if you ask me. OMG! THAT is like so damn cute! ALRIGHT. I use cute to describe whatever I find COOL.

Omg... I REALLY love the story, and the characters lor. It's like so AWESOME!

O~M~G~~~Sky arh --------The events were so damn touching it made my eyes go red. Alright, I can't cry because it's like I have my mom bothering me abt "I want to watch TV" --- And all that cooking noise utensils banging here and there...

Anyways, I'm determined to watch all those scenes all over again.

It is like so damn cool lor! Though some of the CG work is er... Rather... For eg. Yuri's face would looked like a horse and I was like... THINKING abt that instantly and all the "touched-ness" that has welled up will go away in an instant.

HAHAHA. That's just the flow of my emotions. Like a gust of wind! Or rather, a TORNADO! Ha.

But it REALLY is so cool lor. OMG... Basically this game just make me love KARIN a lot. Cuz the way she does things in the game is just so cool and cute! Wah. It's like she came a long way with Yuri just to aid him in bringing Alice (ok we have some sort of a love triangle here.) back to life. Then it's like after the door of the experiment lab. closed, she collapsed down onto her... Er, butt lar. And it was like all the while she had to say things like "If any of you were to turn into monsters (should the experiment gone wrong...), I will do what I have to do." Omg! That is like so so so so so cool.

Alright. Then Yuri got to see Alice. We have the CG movie here.
Er, it's like Alice start taking the form of this naked body...!? But nvm, I'm pure in mind anyway and I saw no *evil*. :P HAHAHA! Alright, then it was like you could see how EMOTIONAL~ Yuri is... And for the first time in the game I actually saw him crying. Er, then the CG wasn't really done nicely for that. Eventually he just stood and watched as Alice conjured up... Ok everything seems to be ok... Then huge noises... And all that... [Therefore we know that the experiment is a failure.]] And yet he just stood there and watched, perhaps thinking abt tonight's dinner. I mean, well, watching as his loved one slipped away once again.

Then there's the typical "I love you" "I love you too" kind of dialogue lar.
Given me playing this game this far, and from my genius observation of Yuri's character, I'm sure that must be like maybe even the first time he really said those 3 big words to Alice?

Because back in Japan right, when Karin was like asking him if he loved Alice, he was like, pretending to have a stomachache, all of a sudden. =.= (That was really stupid.)

Alright alright. Then back to Inugami Village. And Karin went missing.
Yuri went out to find. And Karin was like, go confessing FINALLY le.
Omg and the dialogue was just so GOT-CHARACTER lor! HAHAHA.

I liked the line "You are such a dummy, I just know you never noticed!" Er, or something lidat lar, when I watch the scene again tml I shall memorize it and post it online, HAHAHA.

That is like so super duper cool lor. It's like I would be surfing around the forums looking for Shadow Hearts: Covenant info. and I would see people talking abt how they would like Karin more and more after watching this or that event.

That I'm like, now I can say that, SAME SENTIMENTS EXACTLY!

Oh man. It's really MAGNIFICENT. The scale and the depth of the story. And sure the story doesn't just end here yet. I'm like very CLOSE to ending already. Well, can't wait for the 2nd sequel if you ask me! I may go and play the first Shadow Hearts just to know what went on during Yuri's first journey too!

Omg. This game is like a zillion times better than FINAL FANTASY lor. I'm no longer a FF fan now, but SHADOW HEARTS, KINGDOM HEARTS & STAR WARS! bWaHaHa!

Oh I just got a clip from online with the voices... And I finally found that phrase. Well, I might as well type the whole chunk out diligently.


YURI: "Anyway, I decided even if I can't break this stupid curse. It'll be alright."
"When it happens, and my soul fades away, I know that my memories... They'll live on inside all of you."

KARIN: "Do you mean it?"

YURI: "Yeah. There's nothing I can do anyway."
"But you know what, before I lose my soul, while I'm still who I am, I'm gonna settle things with him."

KARIN: "..."

YURI: "Other than that, there's not a thing I can do about it."

KARIN: "..."


KARIN: "Yuri!"

YURI: "Yeah."

KARIN: "I... I've loved you ever since I met you."

And then this REALLY nice music starts playing.
And I MEAN nice.

YURI: "..."

KARIN: "I still do. I always will."
"I know I can't match up to Alice."
"You're such a dummy. I know you never noticed."

YURI: "Karin I..."

KARIN: "No it's fine. You don't have to say anything."
"I always knew in my heart that you felt the same way about me too."
"That's why I risked my life. Because I loved you."
"And now that you know that, ..., it's enough... For me."

Isn't that so --- ACIDIC? It practically corrodes your intestines and rubs at your heart until you feel like puking --- Cuz it's so OH-mushy.

But then, it was really great. Really. I totally think that FF is hopelessly dumb now. Simply story. Simple world. Simple plot. Stereotypical characters. Predictable events. Etc.

OMG! Shadow Hearts: Covenant rocks~I shall finish the game really soon le. :P
Already in my last dungeon, baby! And I rock at battles nowadays. Cuz my character levels, are, er, insanely high, HAHAHA.

Anyways I just realize COMBO MAGIC, and CREST MAGIC and all that actually ROCKS a lot inside this game lor. Basically with my brains, I was able to utilise my character's abilities such that I kill a whole load of enemies in one go, and say hello to "No-Damage Victory". I love such victories. :P Oh man!!!

And I always manage to kill the bosses at the most, in 6 turns. Most of the time it's like... 3 turns and I'm done...? bWaHaHa. Genius me. I love battle systems that can let you strategize and THINK. HOHOHO.

Whatever lar. Shadow Hearts: Covenant rocks~~~~~~~~


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