Thursday, February 17, 2005

Heyhey! Well... Been really busy lately. I mean, I have been going out into the night and all that.
Anyways, so today was the earliest that I've reached home in a week --- Uh 5 something. :P

Alright, then I lingered around after sch. today to listen to cou4 re4 nao4 HEEHEEHEE.
Anyways, whatever whatever lar. It's like you will realize how much S.H.E, HEBE rocks when you ATTEMPT to sing Wo Ai Ni yourself lor...

That song REALLY rocks. And it takes a lot of sing it~
It's like you have to SHOUT all the way up with your 真音...? Even HEBE had to seek help from SALINA for this one...? Omg! Whatever lar! So COOL lor HAHAHA.

Then all of us were like busy getting them into condition for the song HAHAHA.
Bcuz it's an S.H.E title, BABY! :P Otherwise I would just be slacking around there lor~HAHAHA!

Omg omg! Anyways, the thing abt this song REALLY is that it's VERY sentimental and ballad at the beginning lor~Then it gets really intense and uh... HEROIC at the first climax. Oh! Then Hebe's HEAVENLY solo kicks in~Sending chills down my spines~And then blah blah blah.

I think the HARDEST part abt this song IS all those climaxes lor. :P
HOHOHO. Whatever lar~~~S.H.E rocks! (:

Then I think this is one song that you should sing out loud leh. If not the music can EASILY cover your voice at the climax lor~~~It's like OMG!!!

It is SUPER hard lar. But if anyone DOES it right it sounds PERFECT lor!!! OMG!!!!!!! ^.^
Sky arh... If S.H.E does not include this song in their next concert, I would burn down their company lor --- HA! HAHA~~~

Whatever lar~ :P
S.H.E rocks!

Oh ya, then just now I was watching this show by my Xiao Bin Bin the... OMG 帅死了~~~爱死他了哈哈哈!!! He's like the ONLY male 艺人 that I super REALLY like if not love lor HAHAHA! :P Sky arh --------


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