Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm having an ULTRA MEGA big headache at the mmt from checking out this Philosophy site.
Omg. : It's like @__________@?????

Basically my head is just going ALL dizzy... From this morality quiz.....
Anyways Philosophy IS a very diff. matter to tackle, afterall, I decided.

Because you are suppose to consider the fundamental of things, exclusive of human experience, on a no-prejudices-held perception, or whatsoever..... For eg. when I was doing the quiz I did realize ALRIGHT, our so-called moral values, or whatsoever, are inconsistent in the sense that we have cultural influnence, yuk factor, religious factor, etc. etc...

Is something morally wrong bcuz it harms others?
Is something morally wrong bcuz it harms ourselves (even if the person wanted it personally for eg.)?
Can something be morally wrong even if there is no reason behind it? Bcuz God said so and therefore it must be so?

Then some of the scenarios raised for eg. are like A son promised to visit his mother's grave once a week before she died. But he could not fulfill his promise bcuz he was too busy.

Is it morally wrong? This DOES NOT harm others, in fact I'd say it's BENEFICIAL to the alive individual. So is this MORALLY WRONG?

Blah blah blah lar..... I'm having a huge headache from all those scenarios raised.


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