Thursday, October 28, 2004


UH~~~Feeling rather bad as a person today, eh. Well and again my LAZEENESS is the cause for this... I dunno lar. :(

WHEW~Steffie Sunnie's album out tml le, heehee. My anticipation for her album DROPPED DRASTICALLY after I've heard S.H.E's Hou4 Niao3 & Tong4 Kuai4... Normal normal lar~Still LOOK FORWARD to S.H.E's the best!!! Aiyo~Their album is out on the day of... PHYSICS RE-TEST leh. :o OMG. And my library books are due that day. Aren't we fated...? bWaHaHa!!!

Anyways, while looking through my ***ARCHIVE*** of photos taken on my mp3, I discovered a very... MV-looking photo. ^.^

HAHAHA!!! Anyways... I REALLY love my palms lor~~~The ONLY thing I dun quite like abt myself is my... LAZEENESS.

Oh ya, then observe the following 2 photos... One taken on 09.22 and the other, 10.05.

So cute lor~~~HAHAHA.


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