Friday, November 26, 2004

=.= Er, I was watching a S.H.E clip that I just downloaded just now...
It's like - OMG lor~~~They were showing the CAMERA their panties and all that... = = ||| Omg TW is even more open than me. = = || ERM, then it's like... They even showed their... G-Strings? And the colours were like... RED? BLACK?.....

= = |||||||||||

Anyways, then Hebe was like saying "We have 500 more fans le~" as she showed her pink pajamas... =.=|||

HAIYO so RA lor~~~Never watched anything more R(A) than that all my life...
Anyways, in a way, what makes them really SHINE out to me is the very fact that... You know they're getting more and more popular by the day, and they ARE immensely popular now, but that didn't make them change a bit. They still don't care abt their image ((Days ago they just pounced on Zhang1 Xue2 You3 upon seeing him... And they've pounced at Andy Lau and all ttb4 too... =.=||))... They're still as funny and as friendly as ever~And like at all times, they are really one whole group that comes together in a package lor~Unlike other bands like, once they get popular, will have members who want to "single-fly" dan1 fei1 le so hopeless~Then it's also like they can easily do without one or two member gone ((maybe the other members would be even happier cuz fewer inner competition le heeheeheehee))...

The thing abt S.H.E is, it's wonderfully amazing how some sort of once in a lifetime chance has caused 3 diff. paths to intersect. But then they just didn't say good-bye after that. Unlike many of us, like maybe we meet countless new persons (?) said "hellos" and in the end no one really stayed that sort of thing. It's like from then their "destinies" (?) are merged~So cool lor~~~

Dunno lar~The huge 99% that make me like them is their friendship. (: Yepyep! It's like you can see it in the way they interact, and the way they interact is cool. And the best part is that they really bring fun to pple. :P Heeheehee.

Omg it's like they complement each other so PERFECTLY~It's like DIFFERENCEs may be the souce of conflict for most pple, but their DIFFERENCEs make them unique to each other, and all that lor~~~Omg hao3 ku4 orh!

S.H.E rocks!

HAIYOYO~~~Hao3 xiang3 go TAIWAN lar. In a way I do think the lifestyle there will more suit me anyways~Because Taiwan is like more "entertainment-oriented" and all that...? And you can sense and feel the crowds there will be really crazy and high and all that. Then it's like - That's my LIFE!

Er, it's like if I have to describe the overall impression I have of TW and Singapore...

TW will be a hyperactive, highly energetic Teen who enjoys music and having fun and all that. While Singapore will be a calm and collected Middle-Age man with specs and books of Maths and Sciece on his hands... ^.^"

I mean the politics in TW is more unstable lar~ <-- But like I bother abt politics anywhere at all anyways...
I mean the security in TW is more unsafe lar... <-- SG is REALLY super safe. Maybe if you're in TW you'll really start to learn and know the importance of self-defending instead of being sheltered and taken care of whole-day long kekeke...

That's abt all the disadvantages that I can think of.

Then the advantages will be like.

CHINESE!!! - Omg this is where I'm like a fish in water
Pop music - Sky arh... Lots of "star-chasing" activities... Countless TV channels and all that...
Urban cities and rural areas - ^.^
A more liberal society - Which means more fun I guess~I mean sometimes bad influence from others does not matter, as long as you have a FIRM character yourself and hold on to your own values.....
Less-stressful studies - Anywhere in the world is LESS stressful than Singapore to me... HOHOHO then I can REALLY slack slack slack like a criminal there le HAHAHA!!!

Etc. etc. lar.

Anyways~It's like all my life I HAVEN'T REALLY even EVER thought of going to Australia/ US and all that... Because it's like... So far from "HOME"? As in all those things that I know so well - Chinese food, a whole crowd of Chinese people, Chinese music, etc. etc. And I don't see the +attracting factors for me there. :P YEPYEPs. And I really cannot tahan being in an entirely English env... I mean I think I can adapt very well lar~HOHOHO I think I'm quite an adaptable person... :P But DEEP IN MY BONEs I'd still be like: I want my S.H.E... My Chinese story books etc. etc. HAHAZ!

I'd rather be feeding milk to cows in a village in Asia than hanging-out in pubs whole-day long in those countries. Because I'm a GOOD and morally up-right person. (:

Anyways, in the end I would still REMAIN in Singapore I guess, dunno leh~
Unless I really WAKE UP some day and DECIDED - Omg I cannot stand this kind of life anymore. TAIWAN here I come. Hahaz... ANYWAYs! At least I would be decomposing here until I graduate from University... Hopefully... HOHOHO... That's what my parents PLANNED for me. ERM, all of a sudden, I feel like using a swear word. The very idea of THAT'S WHAT MY PARENTS PLANNED FOR ME makes me feel like swearing... OMG~~~

And then it's like by the time I grow up..... DUNNO lar.

Anyways then I finished reading a book today le!
Oh, and I discovered that what will make me finish reading a book, eventually, is the STYLE OF WRITING. I don't really care abt the story much lar... It's like even the simplest things, if the author can write them out in a way that appeals to me, then I'll be like "WOAH" "WOO" and read on... That's why I can't finish English story books I guess. HMMsie. Cuz they simply don't have that style of writing I like mah. The only English book I remembered that has a really appealing writing style to me is something "The Storyteller" or whatsoever... Forgot le... But I remembered the book was full of a lot of vivid descriptions to keep me entertained and imaginative jiu4 dui4 le. KK lar, Harry Potter series also very imagery.

Uh lazee to blog le. Listening to "Wo3 Ai4 Ni3"... Hao3 hao3 ting1 orh!

S.H.E rocks! :D

They're the GREATEST reason I'm so PRO-TAIWAN lor HAHAHA. (:


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