Monday, November 22, 2004

HO... I went to take a test on my LEVEL of like STRESS-TOLERANCE just now, baby. And it turns out I'm a GENIUS!!! Omg... Er... As in... Lemme type it out heeheehee.

E 无视压力的类型


不过事情不是这么简单。你所忽视的压力,很可能在你不知不觉之间,悄悄囤积在你的心里。然后也许某一天,它会忽然间就猛烈爆发etc etc...

KK lar~~~I mean I KNOW I'm lidat but like I can do anything abt it anyways.
Basically for eg. it's like I feel stressed-up abt my studies normally... But I'm able to HECK & IGNORE it, continue slacking. Then the whole stress just builds up prior to like the EOYs then OMG I BURST~~~ eventually at a point in time. I mean, really lor, OMG~~~But then all the same, I guess I'm pretty much all geared-up after self-exploding so many times already. Heeheehee. The thing is that I HATE the part abt me accumulating stress/ sadness etc. etc. until it just devour me one day... But I LIKE it abt me that I'm able to get it OVER WITH overnight, most of the time, as long as nobody bothers me and I "recuperate" at ease... Oh then I hate the part abt me going back to normal, building up on stress and sadness yet again until it crashes down on me EVENTUALLY... You know, like one whole cycle that keeps repeating itself... So stupid lor.

Anyways. But I'm continuously pushing myselves towards living a happier life. As in instead of feeling sad and bad abt myself or what, I feel ANGERED and really mad at this world... That's better than feeling sad anyways, I guess. :P Oh and as always never think stupid ideas even when you're feeling so DESPERATELY down... That's the bottomline. Yepyep. The more your emotions start to take control, the more you must stay COOL-HEADED and think CLEARLY.

Basically the thing is~To shut off your thoughts when you feel sad... ((If not you'll feel even sadder))... And just CRY until you feel like crying no more, I guess. HEEHEEHEE.



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