Tuesday, November 23, 2004

OMG~~~You know right, for the first time in my life I feel like smashing the telephone as I talked to someone... For the first time in my life I'm like putting my ear away from the "receiving end" and kicking at the air as the "voice" droned on...

OMG lor!!!

It's like, you know what, my aunt actually ASKED me to some sort of erm... "CLEANSING" or whatever Christian ceremony it is... I'm like: OMG!?!? ANYONE in the RIGHT brains will know I'm ENTIRELY uninterested...!?!?!? Omg... SKY arh~~~Unbelievable... Untahanable.....

It's like I KNOW she's a GOOD person. OK. Then it is her PERSONAL WILL & RIGHT to be so religious and absolutely adore~~~ her God. But then it's like does she have to pull me into this "devotion" of hers? Omg... I still can't believed I got fooled into WELL WELL WELL when I just came to Singapore last time.....

Haiyo... It's like I really feel like smashing the phone as I "uh..." "orh..." - Barely audibly... While she go on and on abt "the thing of a lifetime" "you can take this bus..." "just go" etc. etc... OH MY ***GOD***!!!!! I mean, REALLY, I respect her religion - But she better take note of my BELIEF & PERSONAL WISHES as well lor... Sky arh... You know what, I just decided, even if I really LOVE this guy to bits and pieces next time, but he is super devoted to his religion as well, somemore to a point of wanting to convert my faith - I would NOT hesitate a bit to say byebye to him. UNTAHANABLE lor OMG!!!

Sky arh... Everytime I think abt it I just feel so blessed not being her kid... Though it's like she is very family-dedicated and all that lar... Christian values mah yepyepyep... But still - The utmost thing I want from life is - FREEDOM!!! Freedom of thinking, freedom from religious burdens, freedom of speech, freedom of behaviour... Though I believe religions have their benefits as well. As in, it is a pillar of support. But whatsoever lar~

Music is my FAITH. (: Or rather, I am my own FAITH & BELIEF. :P

Haiyo dunno lar~~~I really can't stand that feeling of people nagging at you, then you cannot just blast at them lor... Haiyo. Dunno lar.

One of the very notable choices I've made for myself in my teenage life is to... Be a free-thinker, HAHAHA. :P Aiyo actually that's also when I start to slacken down... Cuz you no longer have this sort of religious mentality in you le mah... Then just live LIFE the way I want it! FREE & HAPPY!!! :P Though at times when I'm like so super ultra mega scared, I would just start calling out to every single God for all that religions out there... ^.^"

Dunno lar~~~Gemini is a WIND sign~~~And I aspire to be very "wind-like" all my life hahaha. Free. Ever-changing. Unburdened by anything. Nothing can stop me in my track. I'll just leave anywhere as and when I like it. "Weightless". Blah blah blah. :P

I mean, instead of the religious way of living whereby you adhere strictly to certain guidelines and everything... Just live simply and harmoniously... I think I would choose to let go, forget abt rules and restrictions, experiment and experience... Basically just HAVE FUN! - As I live on... Hahahaha... :P

Omg suddenly love my mother so much for allowing me to be the way I am... As long as I stay clear of crimes and maintain my studies... HAHAHA... :P

Haiyah. I simply love the way I was raised up. To figure things out on my own. :P
And in the end I envision for myself to be the kind of person I wanna become... BAD, CHEAP-SKATE, SLY, CUNNING... HAHAHA, all the qualities to survive this MATERIAL WORLD! But as always~I'll be a lawful citizen.


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