Thursday, November 25, 2004

AIYO~~~Hao3 fan2 orh. I have come to a full conclusion that: GOING OUT is fun, but asking people out, is NOT. So super duper gets on my nerves lor OMG~!~!~!~~~

Sky arh. WAHz. Dunno lar. So un-tahanable lor~~~Sky arh.

Hmmph! I have decided le! If I get a dog next time, I shall PLAY with it all the time~~~So much easier and cheaper and better off than going out lor... MY GOD!

HAIYAH~~~DUNNO lar. Sometimes I really wish I could meet someone whom I can like, really relate to - In this world. So that deep in your bones, you feel connected to the world. And not alone. You know, that sort of thing. HMMs~Dunno lar.

城市是如此地拥挤 星星在夜空闪烁 霓虹灯隐约的内容
人生海海 我从哪里来 未来该如何期待 失去的已不再
如果连我都忘记了我 转弯处还会有谁 也许是堕落 也许是颓废 也许是在生活中慢慢积累 一种麻醉...
如果是因为脆弱 才故作坚强 如果是怕受伤 才故作冷漠 到底还有什么 可以单纯得纯粹
让我信赖~~~相信这世上 我存在



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