Sunday, November 07, 2004

5 more days to ***ENCORE***!!! Omg... SKY ARH~~~And S.H.E'll be down in Singapore tml le... They just had their concert in MY last night lor!!! Omg ji4 du4 si3 le... Singapore still have to wait until next year... >.< :'(

It seemed really cool and fun, totally. (:

OH YA I just remembered. I BETTER get my specs done by 8th of January next year...
Really look forward to their new album lor... I HAVE A SERIOUS FEELING it's going to be another classic. HMMS. Basically actually VIRTUALLY all their albums are classics to me... HAHAHA!!!

Anyways I really think I can't ever stop liking them... Cuz they're just so cute and 38! HAHAHA!!!


三人除了和歌迷分享對馬來西亞的印象,也以優美合聲唱出馬來西亞代表性民謠--「拉撒撒呀嘿!嘿啦撒撒呀嘿!…」頓時全場變成大合唱。(The Rasa Sayang...)



I seriously can't stand those yi4 ren2 who like to act cool lor... Because it's like, to me, as yi4 ren2s, their job is to ENTERTAIN people, bring fun to people (as S.H.E said on a typhoon day)... Thus those who like to act cool or shy shy are like I look one eye also don't want, HAHA!!! Besides that, those peeps who are REALLY talented good-looking with REALLY nice songs are acceptable too... HAHAHA!!!

AIYO~~~I can't wait to hear the FULL tong4 kuai4 lar... The chorus so cool already... ((Later scarly only chorus nice... ^.^"))... BUT THEN REALLY LEH, I like the way its MUSICAL ARRANGEMENT is very SUPER STAR style...风雨欲来feel in Chinese terms... SO COOL!!! And as again~~~From those puny fragments I've heard... Who's in charge of the bridge...? - HEBE!!! Omg~~~

I SERIOUSLY think it would be really cool and XING4 FU2 if I can live in a city BOMBARDED with S.H.E-goodness... Every street you turn, a huge poster up there; Everytime you on the TV, their commercials blurt out... Whatever you decide to purchase, it's S.H.E-endorsed... Etc~Quite fun lar lidat. ^.^

Can't wait for WEDNESDAY! At NGEE ANN CITY!!!

Aiyo lazee to blog more. End here. :P


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