Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Well... It's like... I started to REALLY like Mayday sort of after I've saw the lyrics to this song too... The mmt I saw it, I'm like "woah, that's me..." Or at least, that's how I WANNA be...

To forget abt cherishing... Memories... Learn to get away... Give up things... And so on and so forth... To strengthen my heart... Armour myself...

It almost sounds stupid/ foolish or whatsoever but at least, that's another faith I hold on to in life... Because it almost feels like I have nothing else to hold on to.

I mean, fact is, HUMANS are great, everyone is, at least I think do... As long as he or her never sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3... And I UNDERSTAND everyone has different stands... People do things this way or that way only because they are PUT in that position... And I know you can't EXPECT everything to go your way, or whatsoever... I dunno... At least my LOGIC is to DEAL with my own STRUGGLE myself, feel the pain myself, keep it inside me... UNTIL I get stronger and stronger... Even maybe USED bcuz that's just the way things are... WHATSOEVER...

ANYWAYS this song to me, is my theme song in life, b'sides Tong4 Kuai4 & Life's A Struggle... In a way these song represent my IDEOLOGIES abt living, and everything. Dunno lar... It's like MY IDEA is that, I MUST and I WILL tolerate whatever pain I have to go thru' in life, I know sometimes you may feel like dying, but EVENTUALLY I'll LEARN... I'll LEARN to survive, get numb and unfeeling, or whatsoever...带上了冷漠的面具,伪装了真实的自己,即使内心狂风暴雨... When I feel like giving up I STILL try to hold on, because I don't want to be weak, I don't want to be a loser. I want to STAND AT THE TOP of some peak even if the way up there will be TOUGH and blood-stained... I want to FACE UP to whatever things in life ON MY OWN, if that's what it takes, because I want to show/ certify/ verify something... Or something... Maybe even just prove myself, that my life is WORTH something... Or whatsoever...

I DUNNO~~~~~~~~Oh man...

"Life's A Struggle..."


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