Saturday, November 06, 2004

FRANKLY SPEAKING, when Dan looked at the FINAL products and start going "One look then know which are the ones that you designed le... So childish" I'm like "OMG~!~!~!~~~What does this have to do with CHILDISHNESS!?" Sky arh~~~ >.<

Anyways everytime I'm outside, bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2 talk very LOUDLY hahaha. Frankly speaking I ENJOY talking loudly lar. YELLING at DA ZUI BA. I still remember it was raining that day... A bunch of us walked out... And I was sharing umbrella with him mah, I think bcuz I brought my other bag. Then he started asking abt YU GOU Pre-order stuff... ALL THOSE VERY COMMON SENSE NURSERY-STYLE QUESTIONS. Then all of us were so EXASPERATED, me, the kind-hearted me who was kind enough to even TRY explanining things to him... Then it's like he asked a ques, then I YELLED AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS the answer HAHAHA!!! So cool lor~~~ It's like... HE ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT IF YOU PRE-ORDER YOU'LL GET THE ALBUM EARLIER LOR!!! OMG~!~!~!~~~

Can't stand those DAI4 SAI4 pple man... That day in BOOKSHOP also, when it's DA ZUI BA's turn, the register spoil le. I'm so so AMAZED by such pple's DAI SAI-ness HAHAHA... MUD MUD dun even know what's DAI SAI lor!!! OMG kill me kill me~~~I rather knock at the wall than talk with these people... Really leh... Sometimes when I talk with them and the conversation goes such a way, I'd just wish I could DIRECTLY transfer my brain's UNDERSTANDING & KNOWLEDGE to them so that they get the IDEA HAHAHA... Really can qi4 dao4 blood vessels burst I tell you...

Ok continue posting photos...

Saw this at the AI WO ZHONG ZHENG there... I was so amazed, so stupid & funny lor... Like a RAPING case lidat then I started taking photos on the spot, SHEAU WEI passing-by was like "what are ou doing!?"

Oh ya that day hor after that stupid Mr Soon thing I actually dilly-dallied around and saw SHEAU WEI DAN they all and we started ba1 gua4-ing at a corner... No intention of going for cls... Until MRS GOH came chasing after us. Frankly speaking I think I turning into a new phase of student-ship since this year. It's hard to define what it's like. I mean I dun think I'm turning bad, I won't let myself turn bad. I shall forever remain an innocent-sheep-like student HAHAHA... MAYBE... One that is extremely lazee and hecks a lot of things and so on and so forth, at least HAHAHA.

There's actually a ROSTER (?) at the top of the van. AND WELL, I was AMAZED with this YET AGAIN. A ROOSTER around CCHMS. Started taking photos. And later on, the ROOSTER actually - FLYED - away. And it was a pretty long distance! SO COOL LOR!!! I WAS SO AMAZED I FORGOT TO TAKE PHOTOS... It was pretty far away anyways... COOL!!!!!


OMG I LOVE THIS!!! Oh ya then as we ate, the shop was playing songs... Of TW singers. I knew all those songs lor practically! Just need a few secs into the music and - almost instantly - I knew who sang it and what's its title maybe the lyrics also... Omg I really think I'm a genius at Chinese pop music... It's like S.H.E song also, I practically can memorize a song of theirs just by constant listening and looking at lyrics... Bcuz it's MUSIC what. For stuff like BIO hor, I TAKE AGES and I can't get it whole-sale down.

Then the music very fan1 ban3 lor... Keep on skipping, jumping HAHAHA... At JAY CHOU's song HAHAHA!!! That's COOL~!~!~!~!~!~~~K lar, seeing that S.H.E SEEMS to be on QUITE-GOOD terms with him, I shall decrease my pai2 chi4 of him *A LIL*. Like 5566 also, bcuz S.H.E seems to be really good on their jie2 mu4s, I also decreased my liking of them by *a lil*.

It's actually rou4 song1 inside... "MEAT FLOSS?"

BIGGEST SHOU HUO!!! At first I thought ONLY TW got this lor! OMG!!!

OMG MY FAVE BREED OF DOG ON THE RIGHT!!! So cute lor~~~Sky arh... Really love dogs nowadays leh HAHAHA... XD


This is, again, so CUTE. Thinking abt it now I should have tried my luck with it... SO CUTE LOR~!~!~!~~~OP rocks, HAHAHA!!!


ANYWAYS, I think it must have been most diu1-lian3-ing going out with me HAHAHA cuz I love taking photos here and there... Like I've never seen those things b4... ^.^" But I THINK that is the PLEASURE from life what! BE CURIOUS abt everything! BE EXCITED!!! And blah blah blah HAHAHA... Dunno lar.



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