Saturday, November 06, 2004

OH YA, lemme blog some more.

FRANKLY SPEAKING hor, I dun think I'm being - no zhu3 jian4 - when I keep on saying "OK LAR" "sui bian" "bu4 dong3 leh"... I mean, my idea is that HUMANS are 3 dimensional you know...? My idea is that no one person acts the same or behaves to same to EVERYONE. We have our diff. sides, that's my idea. (: Hmms. Therefore it's like when I run into a really nasty person, maybe, I'd wonder abt how he or she would be like to his or her friends and family. And I'd try to put myself in that person's perspective, as in, am I lidat to others at times too...!?

Basically the thing is, I think there's an angel and a devil in everyone... Heeheehee. I mean I used to discuss abt this issue with DA ZUI BA too. Cuz he's just so DA ZUI BA. He keeps on calling this woman selling waffles at his hse there "jian4 nv3 ren2" - Because she "lian3 chou4" etc... Then I was saying that "But how do you know she's lidat all the time...? Maybe she's an entirely diff. person to her friends blah blah blah..." And I remembered later on, days later, him telling me "ya he saw her very friendly and smiling to someone or whatsoever" that sort of thing... YOU SEE - I don't think it's abt being hypocritic or whatsoever.

Fact is, DIFF. pple see and know us I think being a hypocrite is only when, say you REALLY REALLY dn like this person, but you still pretend to be his or her best friend... While going around saying bad things abt her... Dunno leh. Fact is we just present ourselves to other people lor. Maybe what some people actually LIKE abt you, will be the REASONS why others dun like you. A fact is a fact. (: Yepyep. So the ***SMARTEST*** person will not bother abt treating everyone fairly HAHAHA and trying to please everyone HEEHEEHEE... One best example will be I LOVE S.H.E for their 38-ness. But this may be the exact reason why others HATE them, out of sheer jealousy too, OF CUZ. DESPISE those people~Although I also dislike JOLIN bcuz she's hong2 also, HAHAHA!!! But fact is, my system of thinking and everything has no effect on me! I just let myself be~HAHAHA...

So basically everyone has something abt them that makes them lovely... You can't really say a person's a rotten egg whole-sale... Unless he or she sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3... But I still think there must be SOME SORT of... I dunno, kindness, "humanity" there somewhere...? Maybe it's just SUCK all the way DOWN TO THE BOTTOM due to life experiences etc...

I mean sometimes if I think abt everyone wants to be loved, to enjoy company and have fun... In a way all humans are essentially the same, then I won't dislike anyone that much anymore. Though I still complain a lot to myself when others are not around, HAHA!!! But essentially, I guess this world DO need more "kuan1 rong2"... YEPYEP... In a way I'm getting super "OK" to anything, as long as it's not sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3...

But then, really lar, all my life, haven't really disliked anyone to a point of... Wanting to taste their blood yet. Even if I do DETEST someone so STRONGLY, it's also only for a short period... Emotions just come and go for me, HA! OK lar~

I mean, if you just think abt... BASICALLY everyone's KIND by nature... Blah blah blah. Anyways guess that's all. (: Shall post S.H.E photos!

Anyways it's not like I would go around FALLING IN LOVE with everyone too anyways, and it's not like I'd TRY MY BEST EFFORTS not to dislike anyone, I mean, why the trouble? Hahaha! Basically I think that way, but I wouldn't go to the extent of imposing it strictly onto myself... I just treat myself REALLY REALLY good HAHAHA!!!

My current wallpaper:

Ku4 bah!
Some S.H.E fan made it with photos from PLAY... A TW mag... So cool lor~~~Used this as desktop cuz no Hebe single person the... Then just chose one where she's like took the biggest surface area the lor...


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