Saturday, November 06, 2004

Sky arh... Kept really beezee this entire week. I mean, I've been OUT EATING practically every day. Such was the case on Friday. At first I thought I wanna save $$, then not that keen on spending my hard-earned cash unless I have a huge crowd... But then in the end I still went eating with Dan all the way at JUNCTION 8 anyways! Partly because we're heading for TAIWAN SMALL EAT as well. Love TW to bits & pieces bcuz of S.H.E!!! It's like their Xi1 Men2 Ding1 is my idea of heaven lor HAHAHA bcuz that's the place that's a billion times "rockier" than Orchard Road, singers performing every now and then, and ALWAYS, as long as you're popular enough, you get to hold atographing sessions there... That sort of wan4 ren2 kong1 xiang4 can xia4 si3 ren2 lor!

FRANKLY speaking hor, I for one dun really mind travelling long distances as long as I'm entertained, heeheehee. It's like... TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE to me, going ALL THE WAY SOMEWHERE just to eat. In fact I guess I love wasting my time a lot and so I enjoy such stuffs... HAHAHA!!! I mean it just comes across to me as cool, I'd liketo hang-out in diff. spots all-day or whatsoever. (:

ANYWAYS, the food was REALLY DELICIOUS. Upon seeing the "HANDMADE OYSTER MEE SUA"... I immediately thought I must buy that! Bcuz I have a faint impression of it from SHI ZI LU KOU... When S.H.E was the special guest then most probably. Why else would I remember the food? HAHA!!! In the end, I DO love the HANDMADE OYSTER MEE SUA the best!!! But they so stingy lor... Only gave us 3 oysters... I had 2, HAHA!!! Oh ya, then Dan and me were like standing there eating... No chair. =.=

ANYWAYS then we guang-ed around the place. Spent $4.50 on food (ordered all 3 they had). And another $4.50 on taking Neoprints... It's like SO... OMG lor. HAIZ. Anyways, then I saw another S&K shop in BISHAN... It's like I SAW this HUGE HEBE out there then I gave a SUPER-EXCITED "AAAH!!!!"... Then Dan was like "I thought you saw something..." HAHAHA!!! And immediately, I fa1 hui1 my ba1 gua4-ness, start taking photos away again! Heeheehee!!! ^.^ Hebe rocks!

Oh ya then the stall right, WAHZ, really got people Q-ing up all the time lor. Too hao3 chi1 le. TAIWAN SMALL EAT what. And S.H.E ate the HANDMADE OYSTER MEE SUA b4 also mah HAHAHA.

So cool lor~Then we took MRT home. At first I wanted to take a bus one... Always enjoyed a long bus journey... But then~HAIZ~~~Whatever so that's all.

Today morning took bus to TOA PAYOH. Unfeeling, senses numbed... Whatsoever... But my eyes lit up the mmt I saw this old lady holding a S&K plastic bag! WITH S.H.E!!! OMG!!! HAHAHA!!! ANYWAYS it's like in TW their endorsement hor, already change the posters to WINTER CLOTHINGS the le lor...

Oh ya then I heard MAYDAY's new album le! Pretty nice! But lyrics-wise not as impressive as their previous titles I guess! They're just having fun with this album, that's good anyways. (:

I like Jue4 Jiang4 (Obstinacy), Cuo Cuo Cuo (Wrong Wrong Wrong) (SUPER NICE!!!), Hui Lai Ba (Come Back), Le Se Che (Garbage Truck) & Rang Wo Zhao Gu Ni (Let Me Take Care of You/ Enrich Your Life)...

Cuo Cuo Cuo's my fave at the mmt! Ha! I figured I could have liked this song much better if the lyrics was much better too! Cuz I really like the melody & music arrangement of this song, heeheehee!!! (: Gives me some sort of very... DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE the feeling. My thoughts just flow really randomly as I listen to this song... I mean, NO REAL thoughts... Just like wisps of smoke coming in and out of my brain HAHAHA...

THIS FRIDAY (YESTERDAY) - MAYDAY... (Heeheehee in fact I think I love MAYDAY more than STEFFIE SUNNIE cuz their music appeals much more to me... Plus we are all MAY BABIES HA!!!)

Anyways I just decided that for Chinese singers I SUPER like S.H.E & MAYDAY only! The rest of the singers~~~Album nice then listen lor... Esp. those who are ugly... Anyways MAYDAY also not shuai lar, but their music IS really nice!!! And I like their attitude towards music...
Then for other singers... BoA & DBSK rocks! HAHAHA!!!

Omg I'm so CHINESE-oriented. But then I really dun quite have this SPECIAL AFFECTION for whosoever or whatever mah. If I like some singer, then there must be some qualities present in that singer that make me like him/ her. So that's that lor. Dunno lar. As in... DUNNO leh heeheehee. I dun even watch AI or SI and go crazy over such peeps~I'm only crazy over S.H.E... I go crazy over singers SELECTIVELY HAHAHA!!! But whatsoever, I'm PROUD of my own race! HA!!! FRANKLY speaking, I dun see the BIG DEAL abt being obessive over other pple maybe when, just bcuz their skin colour is diff. Of cuz that doesn't mean you even look down on others as well. HMMS. But generally-speaking, I love myself, my people, humans and everything. (:

HMMS, frankly speaking I dun get my point there lar... BUT... WHATEVERS.

為什麼你能 同時那麼殘酷又溫柔 當你微笑告訴我 這是好結果
一時之間我 不知道應該說些什麼 笑過哭過沒想過 最後要寂寞
多少風雨之中 一起走過 為何現在 你突然放手

錯錯錯錯 錯 錯錯錯 妳的心改變 從什麼時候
錯錯錯錯 錯 錯錯錯 我不接受 這樣的 全劇終

如果說最後 宜靜不是嫁給了大雄 一生相信的執著 一秒就崩落
我該同意嗎 你說擁有不如精采過 還說今後我們是 最好的朋友
為何我的臉上 還有笑容 最深的痛 也只能沉默

錯錯錯錯 錯 錯錯錯 妳的心改變 從什麼時候
錯錯錯錯 錯 錯錯錯 我不接受 這樣的 全劇終
(錯錯錯錯 錯 錯錯錯 我們的愛 到最後 算什麼)

這是開玩笑吧 你在幽默 快告訴我 全部都搞錯


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