Friday, December 03, 2004

Hmmsie~I feel like a professional musician... Hahaha... I kinda listened thru' AURORA entirely yesterday lar... Though as always, for any singer b'sides S.H.E, as long as the opening doens't attract me enough - Skip. Heeheehee.

Aurora is one nice song... But I hate that gibberish at the start... In fact I hate that gibberish in Lydia also... So dumb and stupid lor. Anyways I don't even love Lydia Totally sian of that song kekeke. But overall the musical arrangement is really nice, though for the opening few seconds it sounded really like Shen2 Qi2... The goodies happen after the dumb opening... Hohoho quite nice and catchy. :D But the lyrics I'd say are very typical... Sometimes I can just predict what's coming up... =___= There's this interlude music after the first chorus that really gives a the song a general boost... ^.^ Hohoho I always love the brief, quick and catchy music that occurs only once in a song, like, maybe after the first chorus... For eg. Wo3 Yao4 Fei1 has this really nice music at some point in time too... :D

Anyways then the stupid "calling" or whatever after the 2nd chorus is dumb and stupid, yet again.

But generally this is one of my faves from the album. :D Kinda liked it since I saw the preview MV on FunTV...

Hohoho~Then I like "Fu4 Huo2 Jie2" too... If I'm not wrong is should be EASTER bah. Whatevers~I don't even quite know what the day's for anyways... Erm... Then this is a very sad one, compared to the very hopeful and upbeat Aurora. I really like its chorus... And the way it's sung, uh... I don't know how to describe lar. Kekeke.

愛情走過學不會 你別讓我掉眼淚 我懂你的愛情就像紅薔薇
在那個幸福的季節 盛開卻為我而凋謝
你只愛我對不對 還是 你想看我掉眼淚 你用我的後悔當作復活節
讓愛情找回它的美 你仍是我最愛的誰


Oh... Then 可以爱很久 is a very cute song. Very nice to listen to... At first. The chorus sucks to me. =_=

浮云 has a really nice opening music... Totally. :o But then that's all lor... +___+

So in conclusion S.H.E's ENCORE rocks the best~!~!~!~~~ :D
The only two songs that I can listen to its entirety will be Aurora & Fu Huo Jie... ^.^


Blogger Michhhh x said...

EH. wrong. anson hu is the one from mainland china ar?

eeks! i said the wrong person was cute.

cos i saw the mtv, u know this song is the theme for this ou xiang ju.. the guy and the girl or something. that guy v shuai! they were on the xing qi wu zhou bao the back cover before.

what's that guy's name heehee? i meant THAT guy was shuai. i thought he sang that song. anson hu eeeeeee...

reply on my board (:

4:26 PM  

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