Saturday, January 01, 2005

新年新礼物 :D

Those looking for entertainment can try this link, HAHAHA. So cool and funny lor! :P

爱死 S.H.E lar~Er~Finished listening to Lee Hom's new album. I'd give it a 3.5/10... It's *that* SERIOUS. His music was NEVER my cup of tea... Though I really loved his 公转自转 & 爱你等于爱自己... His new album was like... Even the 主打 was not ESP. LY nice to me... It was nice alright... But it's not even as nice as 候鸟 to me...?

Whatever lar. And god knows how much I cannot tahan the way he like to act cool and rap inside his songs... OMG... Would love to tell my Hebe to "WAKE UP!!!" hahaz whatever lar... I'm just so JEALOUS hahaz! :P


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