Friday, February 04, 2005

Well, today's a pretty good and dandy day. Bcuz it's FRIDAY! :D

HOHOHO, basically there is just this aura of ecstacy in the air after sch.
Er, we were like being REALLY childish, in my opinion?

It's like, you know what we were doing!? DOING 莲花指, throwing scraps of paper at each other... (The four of us and Jannie and Jie Jie)... It's like so HOPELESS lor if you DO ask me.

Then very soon we started going "A-lu-gan!" (you know that sound you hear in STREET FIGHTER with a ball of energy blast?... And HURRICANE KICK, and all that. Then 大嘴巴 was like doing his mind-map and he was like looking at us and saying we're HSIAO, HAHAHA!

ANYWAYS he is the 精神错乱 神经失常 one lor.
I forgot what made me accuse him of being a 自虐狂 lar. But it's like after I said that, he was like doing all those STUPID things. Slapping himself, slamming his own book on his head... Although it's an act lar, but I was like TOTALLY CANNOT TAHAN lor~I feel like I'm going to go insane any mmt the longer I stay around maniacs like him man, OMG!

It's like HOPELESS lor!!!
I was practically falling to the floor, feeling very "out-raged" and 无奈 and ridiculed.

Sky arh. Anyways, basically we just sort of went pretty hyped-up after sch.
Playing Shaolin-style with the broom, and as I wiped the windows those SLACKERS were like 在我耳边说风凉话... And then Jie Jie said something, and then I turned my head in a fit of FURY, and then Dan was standing beside me, and then that DIRTY, DUST-COVERED, BLACKISH cloth made contact with her face.

Instantly she was like let out a HIGH-PITCH shriek. And immediately I'm like OMG OMG rushed her to the toilet like someone would rush a woman abt to give birth to the hospital.

Anyways, I think I'm probably the only sensible man left on Earth. It almost seems like everyone I know is a 变态... =.=

Oh ya, then during Writing Group (never looked forward to it anymore now tt we have serious work) hor, I was sitting beside Mud-Man.

And she was like, while the rest of the cls answered Miss Khairani with silence, she must be replying in a tuned-down voice, and giving silly laugher at silly things and so on and so forth, then I was like... "........" TOTALLY feel like slapping her~HAHAHA!!!

Really cannot than her. Anyways, I think I belong to the type of students who are very cold to teachers the, MOST of the time. bWaHaHa. Bcuz I just can't be bothered with them, bcuz we are like man of diff. worlds what.

Whatever lar. Then even if I don't know what the hell is going on at all during lessons, I die-die also won't raise my hand and ask a question. Cuz words are GOLD when it comes to teachers, HAHAZ!

Anyways, then I will hold everything down until I go home. Basically my idea is that, I can't be bothered with asking, so I'll just leave it to figure on my own. :P It's like even my pri. sch. teacher in Cheena already said that I'm very un-enthu abt all those what 群体活动 and does not like to raise questions in cls the... bWaHaHa!!!

Basically, I REALLY can't be bothered with sch most of the time.
I just go there bcuz I have to and have fun in the process.

Don't know lar. AIYO~

Sky arh --------


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