Thursday, February 03, 2005

Uh, basically, life has really been enjoyable to me so far. (:
Uh, bcuz I got to play SH: Covenant... HAHAHA!!! Aiyo~It's like the in-game cutscenes really very ~cute~ lor...

Sky arh --- --- It's like, so OMG.

Anyways, I really cannot tahan people watching 台湾霹雳火. I *AM* utterly disgusted at the mere mention of that name... It's like... OMG!?!?!?

Basically you know what happen,大嘴巴一直惨遭排挤~连我的 clsmate 都排斥他,哈哈哈!!!
It's like he asked Wanqi to throw this piece of crumpled paper at Gordon and she threw it at him instead lor! HAHAHA then the rest of us was like laughing until can die lidat~

HOHOHO. Then during cls right, those 2 guys bo liao bo liao start throwing stapler bullets over. Then it's like - OMG! And I threw back at them. Very soon the 4 of us is engaged in war, then Mr. Lee was like OMG 16 16 16 16... The 4 of you add up together is like half a century of human life and you're like..... HAHAHA!

And as he was talking 大嘴巴 kept on talking too. Therefore Mr. Lee was like I never knew Yen Sen was that chatty. And the rest of us chirped in: He's ALWAYS chatty. HAHAHA!!! Really totally 排斥-ing him lor~HAHAHA.

HAIYA! Whatever lar. Then you should have seen how HOPELESSLY 白痴 and idiotic JULIET TANAH MERAH looked inside the yearbook. I was like, EXPECTING something silly from her. And the mmt I saw that STUPID face, I REALLY felt like rushing down to CR and MURDERING her~OMG~~~Cannot stand her 白痴-ness lor!

Whatever lar. As a matter of fact, I'm starting to realize that I may be becoming one of the most "talkative" person in cls during lessons le, going from this to that and making fun of the teachers by "small-talking" with Yee Lin. But that's my way of staying awake what, TALK - and I'm alert, sIlEnCe - and I start drifting into dreamland.

It's like the other day after assembly (when Mr. Soon talked abt being considerate to other pple...) we finally had our first CME lor. Then at first Ng Ah Kay like still wanted to use it as Cheenese lesson, saying what "你们都已经懂了~"... And I was like --- 老师我们并不知道偷别人的东西是不对的. So stupid lor!

HAHAHA, aiyo I should update what happened recently now lar. Been kept rather busy you see.

Oh then the last SS lesson we had we played games in cls. Uh, Hollywood Squares. I could see that Miss Khairani's coding is like, uh, poorly done, HAHAHA. Had to manual operate manual input somemore.

Anyways, my row won lar. bWaHaHa.

We were suppose to decide on who start first by scissors-paper-stone..... Then I was like, can the taller one win? Bcuz I was against JOLENE HAHAHA!!!

Anyways I still won in the end. Sometimes I DO strategize when doing that~Or, my instincts would lead me to victory... bWaHaHa!

Then you could see everyone was desperate to get the correct answer lor. Therefore during the time we got for answering right, it's like we kept throwing all kinds of garbage, and Ms Khairani was like wondering the effectiveness of the lecture, and saying things like "wrong chapter"..... HAHAHA!

Then during that lesson basically it's like we kept telling people to "Shut up!" and all that too...

Oh, which reminds me... (Allow me to jump to another event again.)

You know Monday right, we were talking abt cls deco. And I was like "I thought they say judge on Monday~~~" Then Juliet was like very 骄傲 to say that "Today is Monday" blah blah blah... I forgot what exactly happened lar, but it's like the situation is such that the way she said it made me sound like an idiot who doesn't know that that day is MONDAY, therefore I REFLEX ACTION, INSTINCTIVELY --- SHUT... And water 喷ed out! Bcuz I was drinking... Then I was like OMG ALL YOUR FAULT lar and started wiping my hands on her PE shirt bWaHaHa!!!

Ok~Then let's jump back to today again~

Then you should have known how much of a maniac Gordon is. He was like, uh, pouring water on my desk? Then I was like, irritated? And next, I was like, picking this piece of tissue (which I rubbed my hands on) and "staining" it with the water then throwing it at him?

OMG, I can't believe we haven't grow out of that "you hit me first" mentality lor.
Basically it's like as we warred during the lesson and Mr. Lee stopped us, the two of us went "they throw at us first the~" and Mr. Lee was like unbelievable "then you throw it back at him and he picks it up and throw at you again..." HAHAHA, so stupid lor~~~

Oh man. I can't believe I know such... CHILDISH people. Tsk tsk tsk.

I REALLY cannot describe in words how SERIOUSLY 欠扁 大嘴巴 is, SINCERELY. With that SUPER ULTRA MEGA BIG MOUTH of his that can suck in even a BLACK HOLE, I suspect that is lil anyone can do to that SILLY grin of his too. It's like, OMG lor! I SERIOUSLY feel like tearing him apart and stamping at that fat mouth of his ALL the time man~OMG!

Sky arh~Actually I think the 4 of us all quite 变态 in diff. ways leh HAHAHA!

Whatever lar. Then after sch 白痴 带塞 to me, and I had to wait long for my bus. But I brought luck to HER, as her bus came first. I'm just so BLESSING the people around me. (Ok let's heck the English.) Then once again 大嘴巴 带赛 to me, the very fact that I saw him on bus again is a very GRAVELY matter. (Because I left on Grass' car, while he waited behind for Gordon's. So in the end he didn't take Gordon's car and WALKED out while I was "driven" out on air-con lar, HAHA!)

He was so 带赛 that the bus was single-deck and there is no place to sit-down. OMG!

Nothing GOOD ever happens with him around, it's like...?

Then we started talking about "唉~现在的小孩子..."

I really think that MATURE kids are not cute at all lor, TOTALLY un-cute. I love kids ONLY bcuz they are childish and crazy, definitely not for PRE-MATURING... It's like!? And that's rather disgusting if you have everyone acting the same way one day, regardless of age.

Anyways, for me my ROLE MODEL in life is S.H.E. I mean, I'm really COOL-ed by the way they lead their lives and their attitude - Always positive and looking forward ahead! Then besides them leading very crazy lives with a horrendous attitude, they know when to be serious and have their own SET OF VALUES as well, that is like so OMG.

I think I admire them for the very fact that they have been able to lead crazy lives, and yet they do have that 内涵 to them. ^.^ And care for the things and people around them and etc. That is like OMG! For eg. my Bebe loves to lecture a lot~There was once when S.H.E was commenting abt plastic surgery, then she was like 讲大道理-ing... But that's like so cool lor, HAHAHA!

I mean it's like, you can see that they are REALLY funny on TV. Then in those programmes whereby they reflect and all that, I'll be feeling so -AWE-d, becuz it's like OMG lor~

Whatever lar. S.H.E rocks. I think everyone should adopt their kind of attitude and enthusiasm in life and life would be so much cooler! :D

信 S.H.E 者得永生~~~

Omg 不知不觉之间 I nagged a whole lot again... Whatever!
I am a person FILLED with thoughts, bWaHaHa!!!

Anyways, I've thought it over. The idea of having kids and letting them live on this ailing Earth is like, OMG... It's not like I ENJOY living on *this* Earth that much myself anyways. Therefore it's like... I don't know lar. Even if I do have a kid of my own next time, I would want to raise him or her up in some rural village! I think it's TONS better than living in the city, I mean, you HARDLY see kids going to the playground nowadays too. What do they do? Piano lessons, dancing lessons (even HIP HOP), COMPUTER games, etc. etc...

And that is SO UNCUTE.

Whatever lar. With progress doesn't neccessarily bring abt an advancement in human moral values and all that instead. In fact, with life's basic needs satisfied and no harsh environment to keep us on edge, people just lose that diligence and all that in them, don't they? For eg. ME~

Well I don't know. Sometimes I do get really cynical abt the way this works.

Alright, we get educated abt the impt.tance of protecting the env. But so what? It's not like countries care anyways, in order to progress economically, we just keep on digging up what is left on this Earth and ultilize it for our own gains. And all that crap.

Whatever lar. I still hold true to the belief that humans will and I mean DEFINITELY become extinct one day.

So what do we make of life? I don't know.....

But since I'm a human alive alright, guess I'll just have to keep on living lor... Simply because I'm not dead yet, it's not like I LOVE~~~this Earth and this world and ALL that so much.

Anyways I expect for myself to go up the ladder and cope with the real world better and better as I grow up. I mean, even if I do have all those idealistic dreams and visions and all that, I'm not going to be some suicidal poets who seeks death to perfect her "life", nor some musician or artist that lose themselves in their pursuit for something far greater than life and all that. You know, all those people who really DARED to be diff.?

I'll just have to blend in, duh. That'll be me. :|

Therefore I'm steering myself towards Graphics & Designs/ Computing now. I mean, REALISTICALLY speaking, I don't think I would be that motivated or hardworking enough to take the plunge into music and all that~Whatever.

As a practical person I throw dreams and visions aside in the face of reality.



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