Thursday, February 10, 2005

WE::, turns out that I'm going to sch tml, AFTERALL. Duh.
At first I didn't wanna go; But I have nothing constructive to do @t home too. And the idea of asking around who would wanna go Constantine tml bores me and tires me.

So... In the end, I'm still going to school. DUH. :(

Man you have no idea how boring and how detestable school is to me~

ANYWAYS. SKY arh. I simply think that S.H.E rocks lor. They are like so FUNNY & 38! HAHAZ! No matter how angry I am, or how bored and saddened, once I see them, they can always make me erupt with laughter lor... It's like...?

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ANYWAYS, what happened over the CNY is that... My double-eyelid shifted itself up a bit... @__@ Most of the time it should be sticking close to my eye~You know~Ok. So that's all my gains for the CNY. And it's temporary too, HAHAHA...

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Then most of the time I don't have my other double eye-lid... DUH!
Oh 我整个人真的有在很迷恋自己~HAHAHA!

Anyways... I TRULY, SINCERELY, WHOLELY, HOPELESSLY think that S.H.E rocks lor... They just make me like them MORE & MORE! :P OMG!!!!!!!!

Omg... It would totally be like, A DREAM COME TRUE...? If I REALLY go get to know them in person. That'd be like so hopelessly wonderful! I'm sure I can learn a WHOLE LOT of things, abt life, abt work, abt dreams, etc... From them. (:

Sky arh. (: It's just a wonderful feeling to be alive in this world with them. (:

It's like they really are the ones who can make me go crazy and lose my head lor. For one I think I am a very calm person. Seperation, leaving pri. sch., etc. has *no effect* of me. But just gimme the very knowledge that S.H.E is coming down Sg any day, and I would get really nuts that day~

They are just MAGICal, bWaHaHa!!!


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