Thursday, March 17, 2005

Aiyo... I just saw some online reviews of My Brother and I was like: OMG, how true!
Movie Review:

We were at some point in our life concluded that our parents treated our siblings better. Why their lunch boxes have richer contents than us? Why are they so dead-worried when our siblings suffer a minor cold? Why am I the one to be blame for the mistakes my siblings committed?
Why our old folks savings seem to be reserved to our siblings?

Contrary to the calculations and jealousy, there are equally many times when we would defend our siblings if they were in trouble, regardless of whether they are right or wrong. We never allowed others to talk coarsely about our parents and our siblings even though we were always the one who throw tantrums at them.

In the movie, "My Brother", Won Bin resembles most of us who may have overlooked the essence of siblings relationship. Reprising the "younger brother" role in his previous work "Brotherhood - Taegukgi", this time he is Jong-hyeon, an unsure and confused man beneath the handsome and fearless outlook. Longing for the attention of his divorced, loan-shark mother, who seem to be only concerned about her elder son, Seong-hyeon (Shin Ha-gyun), he is so jealous over the "fortune" of his elder brother that he refused to call him "hyeong", a Korean term commonly used by younger brother when they address their elder brother.

However, Seong-hyeon (Shin Ha-gyun) is nowhere blessed since the day he was born. His father intended to throw him away because he was born ugly with a "hare-lips". He was unable to feed on his mother's breast like normal babies. His diction was affected and he grown up under the merciless needles that supported his fragile physics, an aftermath of his inborn deficiency. His medical treatment had led to the financial plight of his family that indirectly became one of the causes of break-up between his father and mother.

Although he was constantly bullied by Jong-hyeon, he did not retaliate his brother's disrespectful behaviour and is patient and tolerant towards him. Naturalistically-intellect and the top student in the school, Seong-hyeon would go as far as casting aside his wrath even when he discovered Jong-hyeon uses his poems to win over Mi-ryeong (Lee Bo-yeong), the most beautiful girl in the neighbourhood, whom he is secretly admiring.

Ultimately, the movie touted the concept that we never have a choice in which family we wanted to born into, neither do our parents have the choice in making a pre-selection to the quality of their flesh and blood. However, we became life-long burden, influencing each other in behaviours and beliefs. In spite of the challenges and differences that exist among us, for some unknown reasons, we always found refuge in the arms of our family in time of trouble.

This movie is completed with valuable gems in almost every aspect. Probably the only shortcoming of the movie is the audio-recording equipments that were carelessly sneaking out from the corners in many scenes. Nevertheless, the heart-wrenching theme was intense enough to cover this negligence.

Final words of advice: Start caring for your family from now on, or you may regret later for not having a chance when they are eventually gone.

Movie Rating: B+

Review by Leosen Teo
星铉(申河均 饰)和宗铉(元彬 饰)是一对亲兄弟,星铉比宗铉年长一岁,在同一个班级上学。虽然是一母同胞,但两人无论在外表还是在个性上都大相径庭。弟弟宗铉英朗帅气、性格粗犷,是任谁也劝不住的打架王,而哥哥星铉白净秀气、斯文有礼,是学校的模范生。   星铉和宗铉自小跟着守寡的母亲生活,母亲对懂事听话的星铉厚爱有加,对经常闯祸的宗铉总是予以斥责。自从懂事起,宗铉心中就开始愤愤不平,认为自己得到不公正待遇,有机会就会欺负老实的哥哥。

随着岁月的流逝,兄弟俩进入了高中,青春的萌动使他们不约而同地喜欢上了同一个女孩子,她就是远近闻名的校花美玲(李宝英 饰)。陷入情网的星铉开始在自己的日记本里绘出美玲的肖像,写自己无法鼓足勇气送出去的情诗。宗铉则特地加入了和自己极不相称的“文学之夜”社团,希望借此得到美玲的注意。一日,宗铉看到了星铉为美玲画下的肖像画和写的情诗,当作自己的作品送给美玲看,美玲也喜欢上了宗铉。两个女人,妈妈和美玲,使俩兄弟之间的情感充满了微妙的因素,星铉对弟弟与美玲交往感到羡慕,又对母亲时刻偏袒自己感到歉疚。

有一天星铉这样对宗铉说,“宗铉!我一直有一个夙愿…你能不能叫我一次哥哥?我一次都没有听你叫过我哥哥……”   可是……在故事的最终,星铉还是没有听到他最想听到的……

影片的开始给人以深刻的印象。宗铉的旁白配着两兄弟的童年片断和黑白老照片,仿佛把人们一下子拉到了遥远的过去,沉浸到童年的情怀中。年轻丧偶、在人们的指指点点下艰辛地抚养两个孩子的母亲,天生兔唇的哥哥,叛逆的弟弟,这些人物都是那么平凡,他们的一切是那样似曾相识,让人感到心痛,仿佛这样的故事正在这个世界的某个角落发生着。   值得一提的是,整部电影都是用庆尚道方言演绎的,散发着浓郁的地方气息和人情味。宗铉和美玲互相赠送的情诗都通过方言来表达,给电影带来了许多的喜剧效果。当然最让人称道的还是演员们的演技。元彬和申河均的表演都超出了人们的期待。

美中不足的是,电影的后半部逐渐脱离了前半部的基调,故事的展开不够自然,暴力性的画面和有些勉强的情节设定让人有些措手不及。   亲情题材的电影总是能够触动人们内心中最柔软的一部分,这部电影尤其如此,虽有一些不足之处,但瑕不掩瑜,除了感动之外,还会让人从中领悟到“珍惜”二字。
Anyways personally I think the movie certainly was VERY touching and heart-wrenching... I mean, on a personal note more or less I feel like I can relate to that, or whatsoever........

Those parts at the back were really like --- OMG. Overwhelming with an ocean's worth of drama and emotions packed into it... :P

Anyways! I just learned that XBB is going to serve the army in Nov. leh!
And he has plans for even ONE more film b4 he says good-bye... With over 30+ scripts awaiting... HOHOHO. ^.^
I mean,爱情的也有很感人的可是那些什么海枯石烂的东西看多了真的觉得太~不实际&梦幻了.
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So 回到原点我还是最爱电影+音乐~

我觉得电视剧的制作都有够粗糙的~演技也很一般一般,远不及电影的精致&艺术、娱乐价值... etc.~~~

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发行好烂可是就是显得他好帅哦!!! HAHAHA!!! XD~~~

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