Friday, March 11, 2005

终于可以大口大口地呼吸了~ :P

OK. Off to playing games that I just bought after sch today!
---Aargh. Didnt manage to find my Star Wars: KoTOR 2 nor The Sims: University.
Scraplands too. A game whereby you are a robot roaming in space.
Keeping a watch out.

Gonna buy Prince of Persia: The Sands Within some other time too. :P
I'm am avid videogame fan. But not HARDCORE. Never too hardcore on ANYTHING.
Bcuz I have VARIED interests... :P It's just a matter of which is more prominent at da mmt... bWaHaHa!!! XD~~~

But then --- Now I'm free! XD~~~

刚刚clear了一下 My Computer to free up space for game installation... :P
现在的游戏一安装就是好几gig. : 而我整个人到刚刚为止100+gb的硬盘只剩下100-200mb...
I AM a heavy space user. Cuz I love to download all sorts of crap from online.
From videos to pictures to etc. etc... XD~~~And I simply love staggering them together, look at the massive compilation and "WOW" within myself.
Oh! How I love it when all those files are neatly organized and clustering an entire folder...!!!

Whatever. Off to gaming world.
'll be back to reality as I deem fit.

Oh! I simply must say this.
Really love Star Wars: KoTOR lar~For the OPEN-ENDEDness of the game.
OMG--------I love games that allow you to MAKE your own choices, be good or evil [thus influencing the gaming world and the NPCs and all that], and featuring nice and memorable characters with likeable dialogue~
Isn't them simply fascinating!?!?!?
Graphics come second to me. It's the GAMEPLAY and the GAMING ATMOSPHERE that really gets me hooked nowadays. Therefore FF is no longer regarded as a classic to me. I hate RPGs that involve turn-based battles with battle menus with you clicking away at 'Attack' now...Used to hate ACTION RPGs whereby you need great reflexes to dodge and to hack at your enemies... But I love them now. [Maybe that's why I've been becoming increasing violent, bWaHaHa!!!][]

Whatever lar~I REALLY love Star Wars (the game, NOT the movie if you must know.), Shadow Hearts (YURI & KARIN rocks!!!) and Kingdom Hearts (simply love its style...)...

Whatever lar~Videogames, books, comics, music and movies are what push my life along. They are as impt to me as oxygen tanks to a bed-ridden patient; They are as essential to me as PENICILLIN to a SYPHILLIS-infected peson... They are as necessary to me as AVOIDing PROMISCUOUS sexual behaviour and keeping to one sexual partner to preventing contraction of AIDS... etc. They are what makes the whole 'mental' and 'physical' bonds in me STABLE and not forming outrageous reactions with explosion... They are the PHYSICS of MY world, what makes my life go round... etc. etc. ^.^

Ok. Enough crapping. 'll back after I have a good taste of PIRATING life/ SUPERHERO life/ whatever LIFE! XD~~~


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