Thursday, March 03, 2005

Well... What happened was that, in a way, I'm feeling really exhausted these days.
I think it's more of MENTALLY, bcuz I HAVE been having ample sleep...? Earlier than 11...???

Anyways, then that's that lor. And for those times I always feel like... Omg I want everyone around me to disappear so that I can just drop-dead (as in, fall asleep?) listening to music.....

Those were the times that I truly feel like HOME SWEET HOME---
I mean, it's ALWAYS the first place I think of when I'm REALLY REALLY weary...

Duh. Anyways.
Went Orchard with peeps after sch... Walked around..... Blah blah blah.
Then they went hair-cutting, and I left first with Ng Lang Lang.

Anyways, then as I walked back on my own I was lost in my own world again.
Sometimes my soul just feels really weightless all of a sudden...

Duh, I mean, anyways, then I just started to prepare for a run---In ages.
Ok. I loaded some nice and slow songs inside my mp3 and all. Then set off.
It's a pretty weird, and wonderfully nice feeling, in a way.

Bcuz it was like, I wasn't really taking in the surroundings. Moreover, I was just running aimlessly... There was no specific reason for running. [Or subconsciously I just want to lose some fats.]... I mean, I just decided on where to next on the spot... And boy was it tiring for me.....

Anyways, I didn't have my specs on mah. And with the music to my ears, it just felt really dreamy.

I mean, for the MOST of the day today, I was just feeling --- Nothing?
Though sometimes I would feel like that's probably how I really am deep down inside. Bcuz once the energy comes back, I could pull an 'act' on my own again. I don't know. It's hard to differentiate what's real and what's not, I mean.

I don't know lar. For that mmt I just felt a puny bit like Forest Gump.
I mean, inside the show he was running across AMERICA and growing beards and all that stopping only to drink and sleep for no particular reason... (He didn't even express his sadness so much after the only one girl he ever liked left him yet again...)
I mean, really, my mind was just empty with absolutely no thoughts or whatsoever in it most of the time. The only thing that kept my conscious was my heavy breathing.

If I wasn't feeling physically tired I felt like I could have lost myself in that 'world' and never come back........ :

Then when I got back I dilly-dallied around a bit... And went to open up my drawer.
Keeping all those birth certs and certificates and etc.
There wasn't any special feeling to me, I just felt a puny tardy bit weird. [Nostalgia wasn't even flowing through me]]. I was just flipping thru' the contents peacefully, only to find that those -emotions- that had once held on so dearly to all those past events have long disappeared... What's left is but a blur rememberance of how days once were like........

Well, I mean, I was feeling -nothing- as I looked thru' all that.

And for the most part I was just looking at the [young] me and wondering abt what I have lost over the years... And what have I gained... What have I learned... How funny life changes a person... Etc. etc........

But still, for the most part, I just wanna be sleeping in a cozy corner at home - Away from the maddening crowd...远离尘嚣... HOHOHO

Whatever! Meanwhile I'll have to work at my A Maths.
And still --- Uptil this pnt in time, I haven't started revising, at all... AARGH.
Actually I do feel like a sleep is all I need at da mmt... @___@ DUH.

See first.


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