Tuesday, March 01, 2005

天啊啊啊啊 School sux!
I slept at 10+ yesterday night... Yet I was SO sleepy in cls. DUHs.
SCHOOL SUX~~~That's my final, one and only conclusion. :P

Whatever lar. AIYO. I HATE school to the core lor, TOTALLY.
MY GOD! I don't think I EVER DO learn anything in cls, not when I'm like... FALLING ASLEEP 90% of the time........

Anyways, Ng Ah Kay spent one whole hour "lecturing" to us.
Duh. Whatever lar. Feel like taking up a 3rd language now. JAPANESE --- HEEHEEHEE!!!
I mean~I don't know lar. :P HMMsie.

Thing is, for me I DO think I'm going to take up Chinese Lit. in JC. bWaHaHa.
Bcuz I want to go to Shanghai~Oh Western countries bore me, I mean they ARE cool but SO WHAT? I love my S.H.E so much much more~~~ :P And me for one I think I'm actually one of those... Who does not look up to other races... But am highly proud of and tend to DISCRIMINATE other people instead, HAHAZ! :P

Whatever lar.

Then hor, after E Geog's lab lesson right...
Big Mouth was like telling me: Don't laugh lar. I just knew last Friday that you can save your favourite webpages in Favourites leh.

I was like: OMG you are ASKING to be HUMILIATED!!! HAHAHA!!!!!
And BURST out laughing, MY GOD!!!

That is so idiotic!

Then afterwards as we walked towards cls it was REALLY windy... And my paper was like flying in the wind, I mean I lost hold of it accidentally... Then I was like in a very clumsy and messy state of trying to clutch onto the piece of paper... And before I know it, this time the LAUGHTER erupted from behind me. =.= And I was like It's not my fault it's the WINDDD---And to add on to that, my shoe lace came off. WELL WELL WELL. Alright alright.

Then during A Maths right.
Due to the pathetic response (only 1 signed from up from the classes taught by KWH)... For Maths Olympiad... Mr. Kwek was like what, selecting people from the cls to go for some selection test blah blah blah.

Then it's all those you know --- Maths & Science pros name lar... XD
Then he read, Wong Huiting. And "Tweety Bird" was like... !?!? and the rest of the cls started laughing.
Alright. Then he actually went "Chen Enjiao" next and the cls laughed EVEN much more harder lor. And I was like --- HEYHEYHEY is that something to be surprised of...?


Whatever lar. As far as possible, my goal is to secure A1s for both of my Maths. Cuz Maths *IS* one subject you can do well with practise and a steady mind mah. Compared to all those SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE BOMBARDMENT... My God...

---Therefore most of the time I can't quite understand why MOST people actually hate Maths lar. HMMsie.

I mean. I love things that are logical and reasonable and approachable.
In contrast to Science, as much as I would LOVE to get ALL A1s... With so much competition, I can't really say for sure. But at least A1 for CHEMISTRY is a MUST. It's like all those answers are pathetically straight-forward and simple, MY GOD...

For Physics there's all this BLOODY explanation and tedious application...
Bio can simply kill you with the MEMORY work.


Don't know leh.
It's like~Can you imagine how 拉风 it will be when you score REALLY REALLY GOOD?
At least it would feel really 拉风 to me cuz I REALLY hardly ever have that feeling of 100% devotion and dedication towards something ever since... ER... A long time ago le. HMMsie. [I mean, even I won't say I love S.H.E whole-heartedly. :P I always LIKE A whole LOAD of other singers and shuai ge mei nvs~And ultimately zi4 lian4 always COMES FIRST. XD]]

天啊.到底要怎样才能进入状况呢...?好困扰哦. :|

我决定了---要买SS的assessment book---高华也要 是时候开始全方位地冲刺了啦
就算掌握两种语言又怎样---搞到最后还是略通皮毛、愧对列祖列宗... HAHAHA...
OK-----那个 是时候准备 common test 去了. :$



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