Friday, October 29, 2004

VERY CHEAP-SKATELY hitched a ride off NG AH KAY today, bWaHaHa!!!
I went looking for him after school to hand-in the money for the books... We were like asking him if he could get us out... Then hurriedly went to get entry proof... Then went back to him - And off we went! He was like "dun be too guo4 fen4..." HAHAHA!!!

My all time most beloved... HAHAHA!!! XD~~~ Oh ya saw S&K today too... Hebe rocks lor! Omg!!! Actually saw this online long ago le lar... It's like, Selina can't really look cool... Like they said, her image is sooo gentle... Looks weird beside such a "macho" bike HAHAHA; Then Ella's img is always abt the same... Obviously I adore the one who kept me occupied with surprises all the time! HA!!! Really leh~When I like a yi4 ren2, I like one that makes you go bedazzled with the many diff. styles he or she could exhibit... Like Won Bin also lar~~~ :P

Went to PP. Peeps wanted to buy Steffie Sunnie album. I just went-along SEE SEE. Frankly speaking I really TOTALLY lost ALL interest in her after I heard Hou4 Niao3 leh... Omg nothing stands a chance against S.H.E, yeah!!! Anyways then the shopkeeper told us stock was delayed by a day. Went Yoshi. Ate. Then here I am. (:

Finished downloading her new album... Sounds OK to me lar... SEEMS to me all the nice songs are the ones from the Shi4 Ting1... =.= So... And that song "ZHONG3" (SEED) is like so stupid lor! The lyrics! Hahaz... But then really, at this mmt I like the tracks: MAN4 MAN4 LAI2, ZHU4 NI3 KAI1 XIN1, WO3 YE3 HEN3 XIANG3 TA1 (very soothing piece~nice and simple), Tong2 Lei4 also too... Sian of WO3 DE1 AI4 le... Really get sian easily over most other singers' songs (except S.H.E HAHAHA)... So in conclusion I shall not buy the album afterall, since I dun like at least 8 tracks~For any singer b'sides S.H.E, they must have at least 8 tracks that are really appealing to me b4 I even CONSIDER buying their album... Heeheehee!!! ^.^ Really no money mah~Buy CD really very lang4 fei4 money... if the singer is not S.H.E... HAHAHA!!!'

OMG OMG. KYLIE sms-ed me telling me that WAN BAO got S.H.E, then my instant thought: a lil news box huh. But I thought I could just call my mom and get her to buy me a copy anyways. When I got it... OMG I felt like rushing to KYLIE to KOWTOW to her (if she was in front of me)... OMG!!! It's like... A Whole 10-PIECE SECTION, 20 PAGES... WHOLE-PAGE coverage... OF THE MOST SPLENDID, BESTEST FEATURE IN THE WHOLE WORLD LOR~!~!~~~ S.H.E!!! OMG!!! I should have asked my mom to buy 2 copies... Then can KEEP ONE, READ the other... OMG... It's like got a lot of photos then cover from their childhood to their homeland to their interests to the competion and SO ON AND SO FORTH... OMG... I can go KNOCK MYSELVES ON THE WALL A BILLION TIMES if I never bought it lor... OMG... >.<

Guess that's abt all. ANYWAYS, somewhere in time I hope to start shaping myself up. In the sense that, perhaps it's time for me to "wake up" and bring out the BETTER side of me that I have neglected for convinience for some time. I mean I think so far I've succeeded in changing my mindset - ALWAYS positive. What's left will be becoming more diligent, more work-oriented, more knowledgeable, more wise, and so on and so forth...

It's like... I STARTED picking up the library book I borrowed to READ yesterday lor, OMG. I just read thru'. Because I don't want to try to memorize every single word, that'd kill me... (In the past)... Hope to enrich my brain on all the nutrients it's been not supplied for years! Anyways I finished reading the book today le... "God's Children Are All Dancing"... KK lar, I realize the Cun1 Shang1 Cun1 Shu4's book hor, like 80% got involve "intimate encounters" the... But not in the graphical and perverted way lar, I guess it's just his way of showing "oh I have so much depth"... KK lar. Most stories are REALLY abstract. One story can have a 2m FROG coming to some ordinary's apartment one day, saying it needed his help to SAVE TOKYO one day and blah blah blah. KK lar, but REALLY, some phrases from the stories really MAKES SENSE. (: I like his description of those really abstract ideas at times... :P

Anyways currently I'm reading some San3 Wen2 book... You know a collection of all those essays full of literal devices... Metaphor... Contrast... Pai Bi... And so on and so forth. I like that sort of "kong1 ling2" and abstract feeling associated with the writing style of some of those texts... COOL lor! I can't stand FACTUAL readings...

I hope to borrow Nuo2 Wei1 De1 Sen1 Lin2 on the 12th of November... Books due that day, Physics re-test that day, S.H.E album out that day... That book Selina recommended the. :P Heard it's one of the author's very popular books~ (:

Omg. I really wanna start enriching and adding more depth to myself leh. I think a leap in knowledge can pish me forward in life and take my soul to the next lvl... bWaHaHa!!! Anyways~I guess that's what I've been lacking from my life for years anyways... :P Time to get more serious. YEPYEP. bWaHaHa!!!

Hmm. It's about time to set my life back on the right track.
I've been lost for years; Didn't know what to do... HMM. Lazee to blog more. End here.


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