Saturday, December 04, 2004

Eh, anyways, I finished my book le. :D 欲望街右转... The title's misleading lar, it's actually abt this bookshop. Anyways! Then the story's ok ok lor, I just like the style of language, yet again... Kekeke. In fact the story's rather SENSELESS. ^.^"

Hmmph, I shall paste some examples of the author's writing style here... :D





^.^ I think it's rather cool lar...


Blogger Michhhh x said...

huh i dontknow if it's guo pin chao or he jun xiang?

and he doesnt remind me in anyway of xiaoxu. eeks.

why dont u post up both of their pics then i know which one. teeheehee

1:41 PM  
Blogger Michhhh x said...

oh it's not guo pin chao, guo pin chao's face shape abit like xiaoxu, but the shuai ge im referring to is not him hahahah.

eh can post he jun xiang's photo up? i dontknow who is he maybe it's him!

the ou xiang ju is a guy and yicheng. the girl cute cute one. u know? and lin2 has the book.


7:23 PM  
Blogger Michhhh x said...


he's sooooooooo cuTEEEEEEEE!

post photos of him okie? teeheehee.

thanks ernie! x)

p.s: he jun xiang is HOTT! xD

7:27 PM  

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