Saturday, December 04, 2004

Heyhey~I've been playing Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic today... It was fun!

Uh, the causes of worthy mention will be "me" inside the game, getting the cure to some dumb disease... Coming to think abt it I should have SOLD it instead of giving it away for free... Because that would fetch me 1000 credits... Uh, anyways...

Lemme see~I feel like... A ROBBER in this game. Why? Because I've been BARGING into every door erm... "Blasting" at people at sight and then picking up items from lockers etc. etc. etc... :$ :$ :$ Kekeke.

Anyways, I really think this game IS fun lor!

It's like as you walk right, your party members would actually start talking and all, I love the part abt being able to INTERACT with your party members (Successfully INTERROGATED Carth abt his past so far...), that's a neat thing most other RPGs don't have. :P Anyways, then one of the coolest things abt this game is probably the creativity...

Erm, because I'm suppose to get inside this base to steal or rather, retrieve something back.

Then I have to get past this monster, that is like, can crash me in a blow.
I tried going into Solo Stealth mode... But it didn't work... Later on I learnt from online the catch is that - PLACE a Frag Grenade in the Corpse Pile b'side the monster... ((Uh, because in the game you can GET items from lockers/ corpse piles etc... And you can SWITCH to PUT items inside too... Personally given my "thieve-y" nature I never GAVE anything b4 lar...))... Then put this SPECIAL ITEM - Synthesized Odor inside as well. This would fool the monster into eating up the corpse pile and BOOM! - There - It's gone. :P

So cool lor!!! It's like... Such a nice twist from the usual blasting or hacking or whatsoever...

And in the game, b'sides the traditional way of killing your enemies by physical means ((my weapon of choice is long-range ones... Heeheehee...))... You can actually HACK into computer systems and alter its program to for eg. Release some poisonous gas or whatever to do the killing for you instead, isn't that awesome...?

And yes, this game is full of diff. paths for you to take in order to accomplish the same task...

For eg. my primary aim was to sneak into the Black Vulkar Base to steal back the accelerator prototype so that I can win the Swoop Bike Race and claim Bastila as prize... My ultimate aim is to FIND Bastila. Then as I went into the Base, one of the Black Vulkars actually offered another alternative: What abt my team killing GADEON (their rival...) and then they HAND OVER Bastila to me...? So you see the game is cool in the sense that it allows you a FREEFOM OF CHOICE over the decisions you're gonna make...

Ku4 bah!

Then later on in the game, I have to buy this Droid in order to get inside this Sith Base... It was on sale for 2000 Credits... That was like ALMOST ALL my credits lor... So I used my character's PERSUADE skill - Threatening the shopkeeper in the name of Davik (some crime lord)... So in the end I got it for free! Cheap bah! bWaHaHa of cuz I gained DARK SIDE points for that...

But generally my character is still very LIGHT SIDE... =_=

Cuz I've been doing too many good deeds prior to this... Finding the PROMISED LAND for the Outcasts... ((NO REWARD!!! I should have "sold" the journals at a price to someone else instead...))

As I play the game everytime I complete a task for anyone - My choice of conversation will definitely include - Where's my reward?... bWaHaHa... :P

Anyways I'm finally done with the planet of TARIS.
Getting off on the Ebon Hawk now. But then I face the greatest challenge in videogame life so far - Firing down enemy fighters... =_= I suck at such kind of mini-games... Sky arh~~~

Anyways I'll try again tml.. :$ :$ :$

HOHOHO anyways I love this game~~~It could keep me entertained for quite a while. :D


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