Saturday, January 01, 2005

Oh my god... I've just decided le. KILL me instead if you want to place me in an English country next time... OMG... I HATE doing English newspaper reviews etc. etc.

The thing is, I just find it SO HARD to organize my thoughts and think clearly in English... But if you want me to do so in Chinese, it goes ON & ON. OMG!!! Actually I think this is something that is worsening... Bcuz I haven't been reading English books, haven't been listening to English songs (but exploring more and more of like, J-pop, K-pop and now CANTO-pop)... Etc. etc...

Ok~Let's just say if I was balanced btwn. East & West back in those days...
Now I'm flourishing with EAST inside-out... :P

OH! I've decided le!可爱的台湾---我来啦! :D
Omg... HATE English homework..... At least for China I enjoyed the writing part, because I could carry the flow freely and efficiently... But with English I'm like, STUCK. Dunno what to say... SKY arh~~~Feel like going back to Cheena or flying to TW now that I think abt English is a COMPULSORY here... ... ... ... ... AARGH!!!!!!!!

I mean, to me English has certainly been degraded to 2nd language le. OBVIOUSLY.
Therefore, I'm happy enough that I can understand simple texts and communicate simply using the language - That's all. Don't expect me to fall in love with English literature, poetry, drama etc. etc.

Hmmsie. In fact I think I've been getting INCREASINGLY Chinese-d over the years even though I'm like... In Singapore...? Sky arh. I should really be getting out of here~Because I feel like dropping English le... =____=

I mean. I think it's NEAR impossible for me to sit down and even read through the first few pages of an ENGLISH storybook. Because I always go for a certain style of writing... And it so happens that I NEVER ever stumble upon that *certain* STYLE of writing in English stories... Therefore I'm like --- GOD pick me off this island now!!! AAH!!!!!!!!


Blogger Michhhh x said...

hahhahahaha not like me~ i excel both in east and west!!

keke, michelle = where east & west meets. AHAHAHA XP

anyway, can send me jj lin's ju li? yupp. distance.

doodle on my board leii!! keke xD

12:56 AM  

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