Friday, January 28, 2005

Oh my god... You know what, I really can't stand how HOPELESSLY stupid the Muds can get lor.
It's like today Dan's birthday right. And Gordon and me were like accompanying her to wait for her mother. Then all the while I was like coming up with excuses and ways such that I can have the entire cake to myself sort of thing, then it's like right Gordon kept on raising false alarms lor. And eventually due to the very fact that her mother's car is green right, I was like pointing at the grass patch and going - EH you very rich leh. Your car SO BIG.

"And so low somemore"
"Aiya~Must be the car travel underground one lar"
"Can save space leh"
"No traffic jam also..."

etc. etc...

ANYWAYS. Then I made Mud-Man buy Wok Noodles for Shimin and me.
And Green Tea~HAHAHA~~~Omg I simply love the feeling of ordering people around leh... SKY ARH therefore this is my ultimate motivation for having GOOD results so that I can ORDER people abt and show them "face".

Then I ended up with so many plates lor.....

But after my 威逼利诱, Mud-Mud was like 很无奈地 made 2 trips and put those plates back anyways, HAHAHA! HOHOHO 本人最热爱偷懒了~

更何况,我只作有建设性的事情...像这种打杂的,我才不屑. :P

Anyways then it was like while she was away I grabbed her souviet or whatever you call for her... In an attempt to get 2 pieces of cake lar.

In the end got so few left le lor. Then Sheau Wei was like, even asking me to share with Juliet. I was so amazed when the Bai Chi have the brain enough to realize that if she were to share with me, it would mean NO CAKE for her leh! OMG. So in the end I ONLY got one whole piece of cake to myself lor.

Really cannot tahan the degree of tootness of Mud-Man lor.
Pearly was like, out of sympathy, 施舍 one piece of pineapple tart to her.
Then when she could not enjoy the cake, because by the time she came back from putting the plates no more cake left, she was like desperately trying to take another piece of pineapple tart. But the 身手灵活的 me managed to SNATCH it from her and took one down my oesophagues in a mouth. bWaHaHa!

做坏人的感觉真的太爽啦~~~怪不得 Grand Theft Auto (A game whereby you are a gangster and go around shooting and stealing people's cars and knocking people over and enjoy the BLOODSHED, HA!) 这么受欢迎.

天啊.本人完全发现我体内泊泊流动着坏人的血液. bWaHaHa. But besides that, I'm aiming high for academic results too... O'lvl le mah. So in general terms I would make a perfect 斯文败类, bWaHaHa!!! XD~~~

Anyways it's like DA ZUI BA was going around ringing people up abt dropping Bio.
My feelings toward the issue is simple: Just do what you deem fit. If you have to struggle with one single subject (and you don't love the subject) in order to get a good enough grade, and losing time on other subjects --- MIGHT as well drop it when you're like ENTIRELY uninterested in it. I mean, it IS that simple.

If dropping Bio can help improve your position, why not?

FRANKLY speaking at the mmt even me myself is like asking this ques.: WHY the hell am I studying BIO?

But... NVM. I'm still holding onto my own decision.

And my reason for hanging on IS simple too. Because I'm just keeping my options open, meaning I'll have to work double hard so that my end results can land me anywhere.

Actually it's like I SERIOUSLY don't even know what courses JCs offer, and the no. of courses we have to take and all that sort of stuff the lor... HAHAZ. Because I am *THAT* lose of "touch" with the REAL world. I don't even realize Pri. Sch. Chinese textbooks have changed until I saw the real thing. Basically my mind is more of looking towards distant lands and picturing myself anywhere but where I am today... YEPYEPs.

Anyways... Got a lot of tests coming up next week..... And all that CRAP. Oh SHIT...

I don't know lar. Well. No matter how much I hate all that fuss abt education.
I will still have to do well, anyways. Even if I despise the education system, I WILL have to do well or else I would feel really terrible.

OK. My target is nothing less than A2. *EVEN* English. And as many A1s as possible, cuz that 2 looks REALLY ugly too.

Anyways I would hate to see a B appearing on a cert. EVER at all...

I don't know. I think the very fact of studying in Singapore just gives me the feeling that I can afford no failure. And have to consistently aim for the better. If I fall down half-way, it's like you may never pick up again. (I mean can you imagine a good stream then rather good PSLE results and then you get a B on your O'lvl cert...? I would HATE that.)

Whatever lar. TIME for HECTIC studying. And hardwork on my own.
Because I'm old enough to realize the imptance of the issue at hand.
And I DO regret not believing the teachers abt Sec 3 being actually "Sec 4 Year 1".

Ok. Whatever.

I mean, nothing comes free of charge on this world. You want good results? Then discipline yourself and do your work dutifully... I'll have to constantly remind myself that. And to constantly remind myself that life is not all abt playing... AARGH ---

Playing that much makes no sense at all when you're like getting older yearly.

WELL. WHATEVER. And I'll be preparing notes of my own too! bWaHaHa!
I really wanna work on that cuz GOD KNOWS how HOPELESSLY motivated and ALERT I'll be when I have photos of S.H.E Gillian Won Bin etc. etc. on my notes... HAHAHA!


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