Sunday, January 09, 2005


真的真的真的!!!好酷哦!!! ENCORE 的时候有够 high 的 lor!!!
EH!!! HELLO!!!!! It's Like... 痛快 FOLLOWED BY SUPER STAR!!!

Can you not go crazy!?
Can you not scream!?
Can you not stand up!?
Can you not YELL at the TOOPPPPP of your lungs!?

It's like once the music started, EVERY NERVE & CELL in my body WOKE UP.
Baby~~~Then we [finally] stood up (our that entire section seems to be full of 'very' calm people... we are actually among the noisiest)... And wave our 荧光棒s to the music... It's like SO SUPER ULTRA DAMN COOL ok!!!

Oh man~~~It's TOTALLY my 心声..."你是电 你是光 你是唯一的神话 我只爱你 YOU ARE MY SUPERSTAR"... Because the audio system for Singapore's 场 was like dunno why very 乱 and error-prone, there was a brief period when we can't hear their singing... But you can hear all the fans SINGING lor! So cool mans!!!

MUACKS!!! Love S.H.E~!~!~!~!~!~~~

Oh... Then Hebe was really DUMB. So DUMB & STUPID lor my BEBE hahaha!
It's like once they even entered... Dancing BO SI MAO... She KNOCKED into a dancer. Then I kept seeing her very distracted and like gesticulating to those 工作人员s or whatsoever... Then she also whole-day walk out of place... So dumb lor! HAHAZ!!!

Then she also kept on acting cute on stage... If you've been there you would really LAUGH OUT LOUD lor! HAHAHZ~~~好爱她哦~太可爱了啦~

Hebe 的 solo 美呆了.....

Oh then we kept on seeing SELINA for our side. 4-sided stage what. Then I was like: WHY DON'T THEY ROTATE!?... Grrsie~Then my eyes kept on darting from the big screen to my Bebe to big screen to my Bebe... 80% of the time my eye was focused on her, heeheehee!!! But when I saw Selina and Ella, they were really cute too~ :D

They really very cute lor! OMG!!!

Oh, then got some dumbo people 诱惑 my Hebe... While they were talking mah, they shouted out "HEBE!!!", then Hebe was like walked over saying "他们勾引我" and er... Acting cute, again? Then I was like: OMG OMG!!! That is SO cute.不愧是我的 Hebe~ :P

Then when they were showing this clip of Hebe's stupid fall on OFFICIAL news and all that right, Hebe also commented abt "如果能让你们开心的话 那我就跌倒啰"~And she acted cute yet again... SO COOL lor! Hahaz! Really love her man!!! HEEHEEHEE!!!

The only complaint I have abt this concert is the sound and audio system... So HOPELESSLY loud lor. Once it even begun at all or what my ears were like: AAH!!! And at times when they sing too loud together le, there's this deafening noise blasting 就对了... And it ALWAYS happened at the CLIMAX-es. Therefore I was like...OOXX.....

真实的~~~要不然这场演唱会是 100/10 了呢...因为 Hebe 实在太可爱了~整天出状况的耶她~

Actually I think they should record this concert lor... Cuz Hebe was like so super cute~~~Oh man~~~~~当然另外两位也不错 HAHAHA 可是我真的很爱 Hebe solo 啦...

可是我觉得新加坡人的确真的不会很 high 耶~~~导致我也是到了最后才站呢...
可是我觉得跟歌曲也有很大的关系吧...像 痛快 & SUPER STAR... It's like 前奏一来你就可以疯掉了~~~然后慢歌其实也是一种享受,可是那个音响系统真的很 OOXX 啰...要不然我会很沉醉呢!!!


可是总体真的超赞的啦~我跟你讲你看了会被 Hebe 煞到的啰...因为她实在太太太可爱啦!!!

可是我觉得我希望 S.H.E 在跳舞环节方面再努力一点耶...虽然有我的 Hebe 这个四肢动作不协调的团员存在应该蛮困难的...可是那样子才酷啊!!!我觉得现场气氛会超级热烈吧~我希望她们舞步可以更复杂些 更高难度些等等等的...像本人看演唱会最爱的环节部分她们没有啦~就是劲歌热舞啊~基本上就是穿着要辣一点暴露一点 难后舞步感觉上就是诱惑一点还是怎样的...我觉得很酷啊!!!就这点 TWINS 就比她们好很多~舞蹈~~~

可是我真的太爱 痛快 & SUPER STAR 了啦...整个人完全是在那边很投入啰!!!

OVERALL 还是越来越爱 S.H.E 了呢!!! Hebe 真的真的超可爱的啰~不是忘词就是装可爱就是走错地方就是撞到人...好讨人厌哦~~~HAHAHA!!!太爱她了啦... :D

唉~那些没去过 S.H.E 演唱会的人只会显得他们的低劣
我因为 S.H.E 的优越 而提升了不懂多少 等级呢
而你们不喜欢 S.H.E 的 还停留在下方呢!!!真可笑~我因为 S.H.E 的优越而提升了... YEAH!!!

Oh ya 她们有提到海啸哦~然后 Hebe 也是还是在那边装可爱啦...太可爱了啦那个画面
可惜有人看不到看不到哈哈哈会不会很想死我支持你!!!!! HEEHEEHEE
Hebe 提到她惧高症的时候也还是...很可爱啰!!!爱死她了~~~


我爱 S.H.E!!! HEBE!!!!! :D


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