Thursday, January 06, 2005

Heyhey! I was copying Bio holiday homework just now...
Stumbled upon this question abt WHY is HOMEOSTASIS so impt. to organisms...
I decided to USE my brain when copying mah, so I took a glance at ******'s answers...
Oh~And decided ****** must have copied it off ** *** ** and therefore the answer was like nursery standard. No DEPTH.

Sighing, my brain cells took a spin and some words flashed across the screen of my mind - Homeostasis makes organisms more ADAPTABLE to changes in the env.; ability to colonise diff. areas... So I added in those myself. HAHAHA!

And that sets my train of thoughts going.

I mean. If you think abt it from the scientific point of view now, the world is just like that - Constantly changing - Adapt or DIE OUT. And many years later no one would even know you existed. Many years you're nothing more than a speck of dust on Earth. So what's the catch?

I don't know~Just ADAPT and ADAPT and always better yourselves... Be AHEAD. (:


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