Sunday, January 09, 2005

Uh... We were supposed to meet at 4 for the concert.
In the end by the time everybody arrived it's 5. =.= And I was like: Oh I am the last huh? Can't be-lie-ve-the. Hahaz!

Then 品品品 & Gordon & me met up at Dhoby Ghaut before going mah, wow, man was the MRT packed! Then everytime I see a cool-looking unmuddy-looking youngster, I'm thinking: Oh they must be heading for S.H.E's concert! :P

Then I dared 品品品 to shout out: Who is going for S.H.E's concert!? in exchange for 10 cents... And he DID lor. OMG. That is like. So super ultra mega throw face. At that point in time the train came le then Gordon and me were like HURRIEDLY bury our heads in the crowd, just wanting to distant ourselves from the face-throwing 品品品 as far as possible.

Then it was so packed. 品品品 took the next train.
Then inside the train I was like... The greatest movement that I can make with my hands it left-right 3/4 cm..... Then by the time we got down right, have to leave from the other side of the MRT, then my footsteps were also like so jerky and small and puny lor... [[Note: The way EDNA MODE walked inside The Incredibles].

Then we waited for 品品品... Etc... Oh and I saw my 小斌斌 on TV Mobile twice! He was so cute inside MY BROTHER lor! 13th of January <--- Watching out for this... bWaHaHa!!!

Ok then we met up and went to eat... At Marche. Shared costs. We had one chicken one pizza one mushroom soup - A total of $7.50 for me. After that we went to the toilet... They bought frozen yoghurt and BY THAT TIME, we are actually ready to head-off to S.H.E's concert le... YEAH!!!

We split into 2 teams... Hahaz... Dan and Desmond and me took one taxi... And we arrived at almost the same time... Same cost somemore.

Then searched abt for the entrance. Then I was like: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!

Kkz..... Then we got in lor! bWaHaHa!!! I was like looking at everyone there and thinking in my head: WOW. Got taste.

Then we had this discussion of fanclubs... And once again, 品品品 really get us on our nerves with his stupid questions - So IGNORING - is our best weapon against him. We also dared him to shout out "S.H.E sucks!!!" in exchange of 10 cents there lor. Wah. If he really did, we can say good-bye to him forever le, HAHAZ!

Anyways we got in and starting taking photos for remembrance and all that... HOHOHO!!!
It was so cool lor! And man were we near the stage!!! AARGH!!! It's like later on I can practically see S.H.E from HEAD to TOE, and probably even their EXPRESSIONS lor BABY!!!

Wait wait wait..... Then basically S.H.E started with BO SI MAO lar. It's like just when the lights went dim and we were screaming lor! HOHOHO~~~~~

Then during that performance, my stupid BEBE actually knocked into a DANCER!!! And I was like...无情地耻笑她~如果音乐没有开大概我的笑声会传遍整个体育场然后被她其他的 fans 围殴 ba... Hahaz!!!

Uh, then after that they were like talking abt this is their first 四面台 and asking us to forgive them for any mistakes or whatsoever I guess...

Heeheehee! Then they got us to sing I.O.I.O... Oh ya, it's like for BO SI MAO right, Selina appeared on our side lor! Then I can only see my Bebe's backview... Don't care abt Ella yet... HAHAHA!!! Then I was like OOXX... But for the knocking into dancer part Hebe was on our side lar. =.= But I have to applaudse her on her ability to "recover" from that straight-away... I mean it's like even if you do knock into someone on stage, you don't go abt getting dumbstruck and the performance can't go on lar~Hebe always have a wonderful ability of pulling herself together even when she does something wrong, for eg. forgetting her lyrics for 10 whole seconds in a competition... =.=

They got us to sing I.O.I.O first lar~Rotating around and one final complete one... Kekeke.....

Actually I really was like not very concentrating on the concert or what leh. Because I just kept on looking at them more than listening to them sing... Uh, because the sound is really like TOO LOUD for me.

But then hor~I can still say their 慢歌 performance was really cool lor! 远方...爱呢... etc., then everytime Hebe finished one 高音 I "WOO!!!!!!!!" HAHAHA~~~Well well well. They just make me go crazy HAHAHA!!!

The only one song that I can't understand as to why would they even want to include it in the concert is 落大雨 lar... Can't really say I like that song AT ALL. =.= But whatevers!

Oh then they got perform 十面埋伏 also! Gordon and I were like watching out for Hebe's stupid dance... She looks really idiotic lidat lor! HAHAZ... And she has this really stupid pose also... Then we were like laughing all the way for that song...

Anyways then there was a part when they started talking lar... Abt FOOD. Tsk tsk tsk.

Heeheehee! Then the first system error begun with 给我多一点... Oh, it's like... MY EARS!!! Then they performed the song again... According to the official site the prob. was due to 电压不足 blah blah blah..... Then Selina & Ella were really cute when dancing lor! Hahaz~

Oh... Then Watch Me Shine is pretty high too.

But then coming to think abt it I think the only thing that S.H.E will have to improve on is really their performance of 快歌 parts... That would make the whole crowd REALLY TOTALLY HIGH, 痛快 followed by SUPER STAR was PERFECT. But otherwise their 给我多一点+Watch Me Shine+etc. etc. was just ok to me. Because their dance steps were rather repetive...? And I can't really say those are the songs that will make you go VERY high... But 痛快 & SUPER STAR arh. So if Hebe still can't improve on her dancing... I think they should go for MORE ROCK music and blast the crowd off their feets! bWaHaHa!!!

Then lidat lidat lor... There was a part when they watch those videos of S.H.E's "memorable events"... Hebe falling down on something like 九点新闻 in Singapore... =.= Selina graduating... Ella falling from the 3rd storey... Etc. etc. oh then they started crying or whatsoever that sort of thing~And all that lar!

Basically they just elaborated mah... Then Hebe was like saying with this... I-dunno-how-to-descirbe tone "如果能让你们开心 那我就跌倒吧" something lidat... And she acted out falling with this really "acting-cute" style and then we were like laughing lor!

Then there was once when during talking, some side suddenly yell out "HEBE!!!" and she walked over claiming they "勾引她过去"... So stupid lor! Hahaz~~~

I think there was once when Hebe's hair was really messy or what... Then Dan was like telling me "Hebe 的头发会不会太乱了点"... Then just as she finished saying that, Ella was like talking on stage: Hebe 你头发会不会太乱了点 and proceeded to tidy-up her hair for her lor, then we were like laughing again lor~

AIYO lazee to talk non-stop lar. Basically the ENCORE part was REALLY high.
Everyone started shouting ENCORE and shook the chairs... Then we started calling for "S.H.E"~~~Then once they appeared on stage --- 痛快!!!

And Selina seems to be having problem with something on her hair... Then as Ella sung, the two of them were like busy-ing themselves... =.= Oh and they appeared on our side!!! :D

So TOTALLY cool lor! It's like everytime the chorus came you can feel the crowd shaking~~~WOW!!!

And with SUPER STAR the concert ended perfectly. But as Hebe sung the bridge inside SUPER STAR, the AUDIO SYSTEM had problem again lor. Then I was like... !?!?!? OOXX..... So KNS and so anti-climax lor.

Overall I think this concert is 100/10! bWaHaHa!!! Because Hebe was simply too cute!
But if you really ask me... I'd minus A LOT of marks for the lousy audio system that makes me very unwilling to listen to them sing and some for the dancing part... Giving it a 6.5/10.....
But if I consider the fact again that S.H.E really rocked and the ENCORE part it's a 11/10... HAHAHA!!! :P

Well, nvm, I can't wait for the next S.H.E concert now. (:
Anyways I think Singapore's audience wasn't that "calm" bah. At least they were not like how our schoolmates would behave during some assembly performance or something. 1000% more wilder. Oh and 95% of the seats were sold out~With the most ex. one finding buyers within a mth. (:

Anyways, I mean, you do see people waving their lightbands (?)... And people standing up... And all that~And shouting... So it's like 80% high on the audience's part already I guess. But otherwise sometimes when I just take a look to see some middle-age man sitting so~Calmly and all that I really feel like chucking him or her out of the stadium. So BLOODY STUPID lor, hmmph!

Oh then there was this WHOLE FAMILY or adults + many kids sitting right after us. Can you imagine...? One seat for $150. Then there was this lil boy who kind of stood up and jumping abt during S.H.E's performance, so cute lor! My S.H.E 太厉害了~

Actually hor it's like while waiting right I was like moving abt... Then Dan was like saying "Even the kids before are not as hyperactive as you..." Then I'm like... =___=

Whatevers! ONLY S.H.E can do that! YEAH!!! (= I don't get excited abt ANYTHING else but S.H.E!!! bWaHaHa!!!!! HOHOHO I can't imagine myself even enjoying any other pathetic performances anymore now that I have watched S.H.E's concert... Then and again, I NEVER enjoyed any other performances, be it Esplanade, or whatsoever. They just don't make me excited, not at all, not a puny teeny weeny bit... :P

S.H.E rocks man!

Then after that as we walked abt the streets... The place was like crowded like cars lor... There were TRAFFIC POLICE around to maintain order even.

Well, you can go figure --- Some 11000 crowd getting out. How much more cooler can this get?
Oh man!!! I LOVE S.H.E!!! YEAH~~~

Sky arh... I simply love listening to ROCK songs like 痛快 & SUPER STAR live lor... It really makes you super totally hopelessly HIGH --- Slow songs would be really nice too, but the AUDIO SYSTEM totally spoilt it all for me~~~

Sky arh --- 爱死 S.H.E 了. (:

Oh then there were like people saying it's more of like watching a FRIEND's concert rather than seeing a STAR perform. Coming to think abt it... Yeah?... I mean, it's like the way S.H.E interacted with the crowd lar, and all that, it DOES give rise to that sort of feeling.

What "有 S.H.E 你们就不会寂寞" etc. etc...

Oh ya then there was this 朋友组曲... Whereby all 3 of them sat together and started singing all those songs to-do with friendship... HEEHEEHEE, Hebe was really cute when seeing lor... ^.^

Songs like "与你分享的快乐 胜过独自拥有 至今我仍深深感动~"..... So cool lor!

S.H.E really rocks man~~~ :D I would love to listen to them sing, to go to their concerts...一直唱到 80 岁!!! bWaHaHa!!!!!

But then, really lor, that'd be really cool. (: To have their songs 一直一直陪着我生活~比永远更长久~一直一直喜欢她们下去~因为她们真的太可爱了!!! :D

I mean, even though they keep on saying they're 3 ordinary girls who had extraordinary success due to everyone... I think there is something special abt each and every one of them and when they come together, they are really the BESTEST group on Earth lor. Oh yeah did I say that their 和声 was like HEAVEN...? It REALLY was. Well I figure if I compare our school choir to them, it's like 一个在天,一个在地~HOHOHO I'm just that biased. :P And S.H.E is way so cool that I can't help but think that they are ABSOLUTELY the BESTEST!!! bWaHaHa.

天啊...真的超爱 S.H.E 的啦.生命里从没有任何其他的东西可以让我真的完完全全地打从心底的兴奋!而且基于本人对什么假日节庆兴趣完全缺缺...什么圣诞节嘛?能呆在家睡觉就行了~什么新年嘛?有红包拿就开心了~就连生日其实也是---什么生日嘛...?能让我回家睡个好觉就再好不过了...等等等...可是和 S.H.E 有关的我就会对 日期 很敏感哦!!!其实今天有 S.H.E 的签名会耶,可是我已经太劳累了啦...懒得去~热爱她们可是还是自我感觉优先,有没有...?嘿嘿!!! :P

总而言之 S.H.E 真的太棒了!!!如果全世界都爱她们那这就是个完全的---美丽新世界---了
可惜世界上白痴多的是 我整个人因为爱 S.H.E 而获救了呢!!!
而那些还在沉沦的人完完全全遭到我的蔑视!!! bWaHaHa!!! XD

好啰 这个周末很劳累...下个礼拜还要考试呢...
某种程度而言我要就长久地步打算好好努力呢!!!毕竟我的人生已经很完整了~看了 S.H.E 的奇幻乐园...我要好好读书!!! bWaHaHa!!!发挥本人的聪明才智!!!!! S.H.E 将会是驱使我前进赶走我惰性的动力来源所在... bWaHaHa!!!!!本人要从 50 % 跃升 到 110% 了! bWaHaHa!!!

说真的~读书方面啊 我对自己的能力很有信心耶 最大&唯一的困扰就是我的懒惰&好玩&super short attention span...可是啊 我觉得每个人应该都对自己有信心吧 我们最大的敌人就是自己有没有...? 如果无法跨出这一大步就等于输了一大半呢.....

反正啊 我要好好努力~因为我还不懂自己要做什么 只好加倍地努力务求赶在别人的前头 嘿嘿嘿

S.H.E ROCKS~~~~~~~~


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