Thursday, February 17, 2005

Anyways, what happened today was that MUDDY's hair got DRESSED-up the 3rd time in a row. :P bWaHaHa!!!

Wad lau (pardon me for using this expression~I simply had to use it~~~)~
It's like she looked so hopelessly hopeless lor. XD The three of us were laughing like hell man~
Basically she got really "popular" once her hair got tied-up too, Demon, Gordon and me were like frantically taking photos of her~HAHAHA! We are so kind-hearted lor. PREPARING her for stardom. XD AIYO. Feel very tempted to post one of the photos up leh. Cuz she looked HOPELESSLY retarded in it~HAHAHA!!!

Whatever lar! Oh HOHOHO~~~

Dunno leh. But AIYO. I don't know why but I do think people are really 善变 lor. At least for me I think I am~I don't really know if it's a good or bad quality~But --- Duh. Heeheehee.
Dunno. Sometimes I DO HOPE I can get a grip of myself. But then~~~Oh.My.God. :P

HMMsie. Dunno leh.

Anyways then on the bus right, for a while 大嘴巴, Gordon and me sat in silence.
You bet we were all pretty tired and beat from all that S.H.E "我爱你" anyways~
Then 大嘴巴 started talking abt all those JC life stuff~And going overseas~Blah blah blah.
And anyways he was the one who asked us if we think that we are 善变. So my answer was that actually MOST Geminis *ARE* very 善变 leh. As far as I can observe lar. :P It's like~~~

I dunno lar. Sometimes I feel like life would be TOTALLY perfect if I don't think too much, and REALLY learn to control my own moods and stop taking the "pLuNgE". As in, there is no transition btwn. HOPELESSLY NOISY and GOD DAMN QUIET sort of thing, you know? Oh-My-God!

I dunno lar. Life is a strange thing, is it not? And for one I guess I do believe in fate, how else would you account for the awe that you would run into this or that person of ALL the billions in this world? And that you will be the SURVIVOR now instead of the millions of other sperms who could have been fertilized and reproduced as a living thing...? HA........

And well, as we learned from our Bio lessons abt all that delivery thing, I was like OMG that is like~~~A LOT of work. And it's almost like one wrong step, and a life is gone! Duh. Whatever lar!

Even though I still don't think I like the idea abt this world that much, life is something that REALLy is wonderful, though. :P

And the many people you meet along the way!
Some just get erased by time, and some walk into the deepest realms of heart, while others leave scars on you... Etc. etc. Oh man! I don't know lar. It's like sometimes I question abt the idea of friends, or maybe any other person. I mean, do we want them just so that we won't be alone and on our own in this world, for accompanyment? Dunno leh. Then OF the many people you know all your life, besides your family, who will really be the ones to be with you till the end?... I think that's like really cool but then it IS a world of uncertainty, is it not? And too many things are easily lost in all this technology. Even including self-identity, DUH.

Anyways, then 大嘴巴 was like suggesting JC only 2 years... Blah blah blah hard to make any real friends. You tend to stick with sec. sch. ones. Etc. Then I was like, bcuz it's 4 years what. [And in pri. sch. you're too busy with living in your Pokemon world or whatsoever to really bother abt the people around you.]]

Then on another thought, the other side of me blurted out: But then 4 years is a VERY short time in life.

So how do you weigh or gauge memories/ relationships?... HMMsie. :P

Ok. Time to turn off the 思想闸门 in me and start to return to reality --- Off to homework.
And I'm sure to leave some for copying tml, I guess. :P

I really don't quite understand the A Maths lor. Sky arh ---
Anyways, I think my learning method, at least as far as Maths is concerned, is that I need SOLID REAL examples with WORKINGs so that I can look at it and "oh!" "ah!" the teacher can go on explaining and talking all her wants but I just can't take in a bit of it. I need EXAMPLEs so that I can grasp my understanding from the example... HEEHEEHEE. ^.^


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