Sunday, January 30, 2005

Shadow Hearts: COVENANT

I just found out from online dictionary...

In the Bible, God's promise to the human race.

And I was like, OMG - This is SO cool!

In a way, I DO like it when myths and legends and religious ideas are introduced and given a twist in games/ dramas. :P For eg. in I Have A Date With Vampire.

Anyways, the catch is, the storyline in SH 2 goes like this.

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YURI can fuse into monsters. And ultimately he can TRANSFORM into AMON, bcuz he conquered the soul of the God of Wrath - AMON.


It's like SUPER cool lor.

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Omg I love this game~ ^.^ Alongside with KH & KoTOR.
There are the 3 MOSTTTTT enjoyable games that I've played all my life lor, HOHOHO.

They're at the same position as Won Bin, Gillian & S.H.E in my heart HAHAHA. Very ENTERTAINING. :P

Omg. I really think these 3 games are cool lar. SKY arh. TOTALLY. It's like so OMG. And I kept on going around promoting them. HAHAHA. Whenever I REALLY like something, I would REALLY go around NAGGING to everyone and elaborating on how cool the thing is or whatsoever.

I think I'm just borne with the "likeness" to share my JOYs with the world, you know? I mean, whenever I find something really amusing and cool, I just HAVE to let others see it my way too, cuz I think THAT rocks, that sort of thing. That was why I would be going around talking abt S.H.E S.H.E and other things whole-day long. Cuz I JUST think they are so FUNNY! And when I find certain songs REALLY nice, the very next day and I would be recommending it to everyone in sight le. HOHOHO.

Dunno leh. Just love to drag others into my circle of obessions - In terms of music and games mostly. HEEHEEHEE. ^.^ Bcuz I can't possibly start talking abt the value of literature and all that with someone, they'd be bore to hell HAHAHA.

OMG. It's like LOR~I think I should be a XUAN CHUAN next time. But I can ONLY do my job dutifully when I really like that thing or whatsoever. Otherwise I would be like YEE-YER get away from me you FREAK.

OMG. Ultimately my goal is to communicate on the same frequency with others. (: Because I can go on and on abt the things that absolutely rock to me... bWaHaHa. FRANKLY speaking, REALLY leh, most of the time talking abt people whose names I've heard of but I never bothered abt the face BORES me. That sort of who in the school is dating who lar, wah talentime coming up lar. I don't know why but most of the time I'm really VERY unconcerned abt the things around me. :| Maybe it's bcuz they are too everyday and within-reach for me to get interested.

REALLY lor. Everytime someone start talking abt this and that latest gossip in sch I would be listening to the names and like... ERRRRRRRR... Who's that... Then after a while, my mind automatically drift off to other things le HAHAHA.

There is a statement to justify this, I've read somewhere b4: Those who love to talk abt others are gossipers HAHAHA.

I think it's really senseless anyways. They're not Won Bin or Gillian or my cutest S.H.E~What's there to get all "juicy" abt? :P

Actually it's the same thing with sports too.
I REALLY don't have the habit of even watching matches. My idea is that, why don't you go and play on the field yourself instead of sitting around eating popcorn getting excited over people playing?

At least for eg. MUSIC is like, I love to LISTEN to music and BE entertained mah... ^.^

Well. Everyone's just borne DIFF. I guess. @:)

Oh, then, rather, it's those who are willing to share and know more abt the person they are talking to that are like, say, great, hahaha.
SKY arh ----- I've strayed too far off.
Shadow Hearts: COVENANT rocks!!! XD~~~I have a premonition of a WONDERFUL story coming up. It's time to get in-depth to KARIN's destiny... bWaHaHa!!! Actually I already know of some minor spoilers le lar, and I'm like so... UURGH!!!!!!!!

Whatever lar~I really think this game rocks lor. OMG. OH! MY!! GOD!!!
I'm not looking forward to FINAL FANTASY anymore. :P Cannot tahan stereotypical stories and dialogues and characters and etc.~

SKY arh~~~~~~~~


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