Friday, February 18, 2005

Omg!!! I finished watching FRIENDS by today and I was like...
Xiao Bin Bin TOTALLY rocks lor! Omg! He is so hopelessly cute and handsome inside the show man. The PERFECT hero of any movie, blah blah blah. ^.^

Omg Omg~Sky arh. Anyways, the show was 4 episodes only. Which is perfectly ideal to me.
I hate long-winded shows. But now I feel like watching Autumn Story also le lar!!!
Just for Xiao Bin Bin!!! HAHAHA~~~OMG --- It's like he ROCKS lor.

For one I don't really like actors. I mean I'm not interested in them at all.
I go solely for SINGERS. But Xiao Bin Bin is like the ONLY actor that I REALLY like lor~
Omg~~~Sky arh...

Alright! Off to emptying disk space first...

Lastly, allow me to end in an ultimate statement of truth:
Xiao Bin Bin rocks. He is EJ's, HAHAHA! :P


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