Saturday, October 30, 2004


Well~~~Enjiao rocked today... bWaHaHa... I went to this place:

Had some faint impressions of the place, but never went b4. And off I went bothering Sissy Wong and checking up on how to reach it by bus online... And tadah! I made it there, ALL by myself, didn't wanna take a taxi - On a STINGY spring, bWaHaHa!!! (: Omg I'm such a genius lor~~~ :P

Oh ya, then on the bus, there was this old lady... Who started grabbing my hand for support and sat down next to me, we chatted for a while, I tried to smile, then she alighted a few stations down... :P The way she walk really makes me feel like she might fall any second... I mean I even offered to help her down later on, but she said she could do it herself; Then as she walked down, I think she tried to grab on support somewhere too, but those passengers coming up didn't even bother; And when you look at the whole bus of faces, they're just emotionless and everything.

Woah. What a great city.

Anyways so I went ahead and did my duty today. The enjoyable part is when people smiled at you~Anyways, you bet the place is quiet most of the time. And of all those who visited, I figure less than 5 are below 20 or something. It's pretty pathetic, when you think abt... Thousands and even ten thousands of pple turning up for S.H.E autographing sessions, and only the Elders are interested in the Arts. :P Woah. Whatever.

I'm just SO~~~ damn glad I'm borne in China. (: That provided me with a *CERTAIN something* my peers don't have, I guess. Maybe it's the carefree childhood exploring the woods, maybe it's the wealth of cultural "baggage" that is lost in the city and so on and so forth... (:

Anyways it's like I do enjoy reading all those very CHINESE books, and stuff like philosophy and poetry and all those ancient history~You know, very INTELLECTUAL stuff... bWaHaHa!!! As a Chinese. On the other hand I listen to the latest pop music go crazy over S.H.E... Etc. Apart from my lazeeness, I think I'm pretty much an all-rounder. :P Afterall, I DO have a whole range of super varied interests... Heeheehee.

ANYWAYS, then I got back~Super hungry. Bought 2 waffles and 2 breads. In the end 1 waffle satisfied me enough... =.=

But frankly speaking, I wished I could have stayed on in China longer back then, so that I absorbed more Chinese "essence" HAHAHA. It's like... My entirety, I studied until P2 only lor... Studied for 2 years only... :P HAIZ~~~Dunno leh.

Uh... Dunno lar... Getting lazee... :P Hopefully I'll go order S.H.E's latest album ***ENCORE***, get a haircut, buy new specs, and etc. tml... HOPE I dun start getting lazee again, at the last mmt.

Anyways, haven't started studying for O'lvl Chinese yet... It's like they say until like 100% get A1s... Then why should I study...? Heeheehee... After all, 75 or 100, it's still an A1. :P


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